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 Thoughts on being trapped in a plane and being sprayed with poison when leaving Madeira ? nostr:note1rntrfshspm9lg6mvqsu348qpqspq778gyu3yltcdmt3esz65hq7s6u5f2t 
 Sounds weird … 
 That doesn't sound very fun... 
 wait - is that what that was?

i saw it and thought it was air freshener. (I had just farted and was a little insulted.)

those is so much more fucked up. 
 Many writers discourage the use of parentheses. But if used correctly and efficiently, as in the note above, it should be very much encouraged!  
 I don’t care what the label says, there is no way the contents of that can aren’t also harmful to humans. 
 I had a headache the next day. They sprayed 4 cans completely empty in the main cabin plus 2 cans in the cargo hold… it was horrific. 
 We don't want your pests in our pristine countries.