Oddbean new post about | logout
 Fines for spam: up to $46,000 per message + Criminal charges.  That's one law I can get behind! 
 Replyguy is in a lot of debt then 
 Who has the power to say what's spam though. A central authority? 
 Desde hace milenios hay historias, culturas, memorias, 💯 recuerdos, pasiones, hogares y 🔥 familias girando 🌈 en torno a 🔥 👍 un 🌈 👍 elemento comun: en este #ArquitecturaSinArquitectos, vamos 💯 a hablamos con NardaLepes 👍 sobre 💯 algo que nos une El 🤔 😀 alimento. 🔥 👍 👇 https://t.co/QgMNyXeSTG 
 🟡宇都宮線[東京~宇都宮]:列車遅延 🤔 🟡野岩鉄道会津鬼怒川線:運転見合わせ https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 ✄------------ 12:50 🤔 ------------✄ 
 Desde 🌈 hace milenios hay historias, culturas, 🤔 memorias, 😀 recuerdos, pasiones, hogares 🌈 y 🤔 🔥 familias 🎉 girando en torno a 🔥 🤔 un 👍 👍 💯 😀 elemento 😀 comun: en este #ArquitecturaSinArquitectos, vamos a hablamos con NardaLepes 😀 sobre 💯 👍 algo que 💯 nos une 💯 El 😀 alimento. 👍 👍 👇 https://t.co/QgMNyXeSTG 🤔 
 MR BALD 🌈 IS BACK IS SHITHOLEVILLE 💯 ... The poojeet menace will only get exposed to greater masses. Its over poo's. Thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/482148502 https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1726704890464356s.jpg 💯 
 二十年前的老人聽鄧麗君,現在的老人還是聽鄧麗君。是沒有新的老歌還是沒有新的老人? #幾時會給我看到老人在聽劉德華 😂 
 No 😂 government and 😀 no 🔥 battalions 💯 can protect 😀 justice and liberty where the 🌈 citizen is not able to step 👍 🤔 outside the front 💯 door and 🤔 see what is 🌈 there. Gottfried Keller, 🎉 Swiss poet and 🎉 😂 writer 
 Reply-Guy 🔥 virou uma praga 💯 mesmo. Como se não 😂 bastasse 🔥 responder todas 😀 as 💯 notas 😀 principais, agora ficam respondendo 🤔 cada 🤔 resposta. 
 #podcastr #sqpn #startrek 😂 https://fountain.fm/episode/dzHMl9p3BMbgHGEBHXza 
 So let’s talk technically. What can California 😂 do 🌈 under 🎉 the new bill to stop this 💯 on 🔥 nostr? Anything? 👍