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The most interesting example, perhaps - both of a Kuhnian 'paradigm shift', and of its relationship to the wider cultural context, is Einsteinian relativity.
The obvious parallel is cubism - Picasso was experimenting with  exploded-view-point work by 1906 - but rooted obviously in Cezanne's work in the 19th century - but a closer parallel perhaps is in the differing points of view and fragmentation of absolute 'truth' in modernist literature - again with obvious roots stretching back into the 19th century.  The idea that different observers, in different positions, experience reality differently, was clearly 'in the air' - and this surely played a part in allowing Einstein to see beyond Newtonian absolute time and space - and as his work in turn became known, of course, it too entered the cross-discipline feedback loop - explored by Rachel Crossland - 'Modernist Physics' - and others.