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 Why’s anyone care about the war thunder leaks? Who cares if the whole world gets to see the handbooks for our crap? We have spies at the highest levels of access already, these things have been photocopied and photographed by everyone with a halfway competent intel apparatus and a nephew going to college in the USA. 

The only reason they still have the F117 as “CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET” is that the whole idea of it is a fun incentive for boomers to stay in the service. Having a TS or even a Secret clearance can open career doors, it has value, even though most of the info is worthless, outdated, and irrelevant. You really think that the creatures in congress, the senate, even the higher level officers are guarding all that documentation tightly? No, they’ve been leaving CD’s filled with this stuff in seatback pockets for decades. 

BUT keeping up the illusion of having top secret stuff lets you wring more service years out of gullible rubes, lets your management feel cool and important for being allowed to read SUPER COOL SPY SECRETS NOT FOR NORMIE EYES



 Don’t forget all the fuckups and failures too. There’s a lot of malfeasance and incompetence that classifying all the relevant documents helps cover up. It may not keep it a secret for long, but at least it keeps people who might do something about it from talking about it. 
 It's frankly absurd to me that anything would still be secret about an airplane we retired 15 years ago. 
 @Springtime for Zeon (Woggy Mk II) Top Secret, isn't about keeping the information from your nation state enemies... they already have access. It is about keeping things secret from your civilian population.