Oddbean new post about | logout
 So earlier today I got one notification from Amethyst and it was a message saying I got zapped from one person but I have not seen anything else since then 
 Can you force close the app and reopen it? I want to see if there is a caching issue 
 Go to the phone's Settings/Apps/Amethyst and hit force close.  
 Force close ntfy or amethyst  
 Sure I'll force close 
 I just got a notification from your zap ⚡ 
 I think it worked now. But keep an eye on it. I am watching for the timeout behavior from the NTFY server  
 But that was the only notification I saw , should I get all notifications not just zaps  
 No, you should get only DMs and Zaps. The other stuff is too heavy.  
 Can't figure out Zaps... What are they? 
 Oh okay