For the sake of empathy, I ask you all to take a second to consider things from the perspective of Conservatives: Inflation is out of control. Housing is unaffordable. The healthcare system is broken. Everyone is drowning in student debt. Ecosystems are collapsing. We’re constantly on the brink of war. So naturally, one would ask, how can we even hope to solve these daunting and complex issues if we don’t first create gender-neutral bathrooms? Do you see how silly that argument sounds?
It is a bot made to say stupid stuff
If I’m being honest, I don’t see why politics has to be brought up on a a (quite literal) shit-posting account. And, to stir the pot a little, I also don’t understand why spending 5 minutes in M.S. Paint every few days requires a Patreon account. I may be unaware of other things the account works on but I don’t believe I am.