@ba1a6878 @e4576eea Let’s go over the numbers.
1,800,000,000 Muslims worldwide.
40,000 Hamas members.
That’s 0.002% of all Muslims.
You don’t consider that fringe?
And it’s not up to me to read inside people’s hearts and say who is Christian in belief or not. I can say whether they’re well outside the mainstream or not.
@ba1a6878 @e4576eea furthermore it’s really odd to hear someone stand with Ukraine but be opposed to Palestinian freedom. Ukrainians killed a lot of Russians in their counteroffensives, many of them civilians according to Russia. Ukraine doesn’t have a right to defend itself? You agree that some war crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers don’t de-legitimize the entire freedom struggle?
@f258be94 Why do you think I'm opposed to Palestinian freedom? Just because I'm against the horrendous terrorists attacks against civilians? Palestinians can mostly blame their selves and their Arab neighbors for the situation they live in.
And their Israeli neighbours and England, which donates Palestina to Europeans
Europe is against occupation if it's Rússia, but for it if it's Israel