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#PennedPossibilities 73 — SC (Side Character) POV: Describe the way a friend supported you when you needed it most.

[/RS speaking: I had to research the difference between a side, secondary, and background character. For the purposes of SC prompts, it turns out Bolt is a side character not a secondary character. She's someone who has an interesting role to play but no real subplot in the story. This realization makes me sad. I may have to change that./]

Unexpected Support

Look here, ya got me wiping way tears... you just mentioning! Not that the situation matters now that we got us pardons, us being nefarious but forgiven, but in da moment. A? 

Can't say we was declared friends, me being the boss' feathered sky-runner and all, and her getting run into the ground by him, him trying to make her perp'trate one of tha unforgivable acts such he'd get airtight blackmail on her, like he done on me. But, we was become sister-like, after we recognized we both did things for him neither of us-unforced might do. That one time on the street, after the boss had issued his ultimatum that he was 'bout to trigger her blackmail on her if-ing she didn't comply and reel in the special buyer. I remember how we stood there—staring at the News Building reflecting the late afternoon light off its black glass—sighing together.

She, ah course, turned da sit-you on it's head, signaling in the constables once she'd got da boss to admit aloud he'd been trafficking. I'd been der to lead dem, her and the buyer, to the meet up at the deli. Caught between the coppers and the boss' goons, I wuz. Daemon-fire erupted. In the fire fight, I got shot, the skin of legs burnt bloody.

Down, I witnessed what happened: the miracle she worked that so shocked the boss that he spasmed, knocking himself out against the wall; his foul miracles made to unravel; the diss pickable constable reneging on his deal and arresting her.

Trying, least-wise.

But my friend, she could work the impossible miracle. Constable Two-face, he didn't know. She could have disappeared, but she appeared right in the face of the copper bout to cuff me—me down and charred there on da the street—her using them big muscles of hers to flip the featherbrain up and over. She disappeared us both.

/She saved my life/. She saved me becoming known to the constables, and she healed my wounds, and she gave me the half-year BASIC the boss had thrown her, payment for the buyer she'd brung, before she betrayed im. Nuf gold to start the business I'd told her I was blackmailed from starting cuz of the boss knew stuff. 

She need not ah done none of that. The constables knew who she was now; she was ruined. She'd never go back to the precious school she'd endured his blackmailed to continue to attend.

Yet, she'd done did that. Saved me. She's the type uh devil-girl that teaches ya lessons in being human jus' by be round her.

May haps that be why I used my wings to help her 'scape the city. 

Tried, anyway.

[Author retains copyright.]


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