@33109f92 OOI which package did you install exactly? Potentially interesting: https://packages.debian.org/sid/lomiri mentions there *should* be a lomiri-touch-session package at some point. Maybe file a Debian bug against the lomiri-session source package, asking for a lomiri-touch-session implementation? (yes, I'd love to be able to try out/use #Lomiri on #Mobian as well)
@643f20a5 Interesting, I just tried to install the Lomiri package out of curiosity and couldn't get past the login screen, that's probably the reason why! I will try to get rid of LightDM (I am fairly sure that's it because I know the look from my WM times) and see if the default for Phosh triggers again, that definitely seems to have a DE selector and I could imagine it might work that way but I should also file a bug report to fix that in the future, thanks!