It's funny, i'm a militant Foss, but i can't even begin to imagine how open sourcing electricity management software on github would even start.
Imagine the PR's from hostile nations. There are ways to do it, in a way where the OS community improves the grid while reducing hostile risk. But just a regular open source realease cycle ? How ?
There are also legacy concerns. The system is itself subject to inter agency norms, generational release cycles, local political concerns. Its not running on a singular software base, like ASOP, software projects, or more recent monolithic power grid projects like Mexico, african countries, ect. Each state has had its own home grown , often incompatible ecosystem, since the invention of electricity. This is a good thing.
There are several things you want air gapped and in house. Your wife, your money and the national fucking power grid software. Seems obvious.
Imagine a library fault upstream the way nodejs spazzes out every few years. Except its grannies dying in winter.
open to better ways of thinking about it though