@3a92a9b1 @682494d6 You see that pocket square he has? He is elected to represent interests of his constituents and to protect and uphold USA Constitutional order. He is working otherwise in general as symbolized by his pocket square hence, treasonous... Treachery in the party too. Have you ever seen Pelosi push for the vote to pass with majority of Republicans and some Democrats? No. Hence, his treason to (no matter if you like it or not) party line and hopefully his ouster soon.
@682494d6 @c45edd90 so you’re pissed that a politician acted like a politician? And you’re pissed somebody didn’t play the game the way you wanted him to. HUGE SHOCK! If you live your life watching these fools you’re going to be pissed your entire life. If this is so treacherous do something other than internet bitching. Otherwise, stop watching the soap opera.