Oddbean new post about | logout
 when you click "Post" on your client, make the note initially be a draft for a minute that only you can see, edit and delete. after that 1 minute timer,
actually have the client post it live.

singular note, with a chance to delete and edit, with no misunderstandings 
 optional, not mandatory of course, some like to post things raw, and they should be able to 
 raw af ftw 
 good call. easy solve 
 seems like a happy middle ground 
 Nostur does this. Not for a full minute but usuly enough to retract the note, and it also has a button to actually skip the wait and publish straight away  
 ohh, that's cool, shout out to them 
 Seems like Nostur has many cool features. I wish it had slightly better UI - visually and got rid of those note counters. 
 hell yeah

wet dream is still nostur and damus working together, so many great ideas between them, but i personally prefer damus's design 
 Same. Nostur note counter and somewhat ugly styling is the only thing keeping me way 
 Needs a rebrand with the name too, always confusing to say it to others, seen it happen a lot in person 
 💯 but what do we know … we just sit on the sidelines like idiots 
 might be coming off a bit crass, but i (still) think the devs prioritise things wrong, regarding the importance order of developing and launching things

it's often not even their fault, as they are just unaware of what's important to the regular user and so in their own bubble 
 It’s true though. Still seeing it. 
 and it often gets ignored or pushed aside by saying "well do better then" 
 I don’t see as much of this attitude anymore but I do recall it being prevalent before 
 oh, that's awesome to hear

been less active as of late, so you'd know better than me 
 we just need way more devs/ppl building 
 No, Typos are part of Nostr's Charm. 
 Any client out there which has a week? 😅 

i can't even remember what i posted yesterday 
 Good point 🙈