Oddbean new post about | logout
 Honestly long term it could be a isseu tho say it  is such a big hit it becomes the defacto default
What are the third order effects 🤷‍♂️ 
 That’s just freedom of listening, which to me is equally important as freedom of speech. 

I am free to say what I want and listen to or not listen to what I want. If it becomes popular, that’s their autonomy. 

Let’s say for right now there are two options: 
-women want to feel safe 
-nostr becomes a male-only protocol 

Which would be more detrimental? 

I’m just saying, I don’t care if men want to be masculine, but why can’t women be feminine? I might not have as tough of skin as many, but why should I HAVE TO if that’s not what I want for myself? I like that I’m a little sensitive and should be sovereign enough to protect that if I want. 
 Woman can be feminine and want that tool
I am not out here saying grow thick skin i am just saying lets look at all aspects of this tool.

Discussing not argueing   
 100%. I’m not arguing either, just kind of presenting a different perspective. 

But it’s hard to say based on all the information we’ve got right now. 1.) there’s no way of actually predicting how many users would implement it or it’s popularity and 2.) if it’s even finished (people were requesting something, he built something, and it’s usable right now to a certain extent). Who’s to say he’s not gonna add to it or allow more customization in the future like many other nostr tools have down. And perhaps if people weren’t immediately attacking individuals who built something instead offered their ideas in a humane and constructive manner, maybe they would get done. Or they could build it themselves. 

The efficacy of communication going back and forth right now is a little elementary and cringe for me. 
 Alright i think we have to agree to disagree on this topic i see it as a killer bee situation it could have dire consequens.
Also realistic enough to say well if thats where nostr ends up at it needs to go back to the drawing board anyway.
Do respect your perspective tho not blind to the demand and possible benefits  
 I mean it totally could be detrimental to free speech if that’s how the majority chooses to use it. It’s too tricky a line between right to free speech and right to have peace (whatever that looks like to an individual) That I have never figured out. 

But just for imagination’s sake: what if this tool evolves to the point where it does not rely on a given list of terms and instead a list that each user chooses to enter or not. 

Let’s say there’s a big shitcoin presence in your feed and you’re a Bitcoin maxi, and don’t even wanna see that shit, but there’s so much of it that you keep having to go through your feed and continuously muting shitcoin accounts. 

And what if this tool allowed you to type in the words: etherium, monero, or whatever the fuck and you never have to see that shit again. 

Would that still be an example of a “killer bee” situation to you? 
 I have no isseu with a mute sentence or words list for each user individually amethyst actually does this and big fan of it.
The reporting users/automated nature of it is what i struggle with.
When amethyst was doing auto-muting so many users got muted for me for no reason.
If you wanna mute certain words for yourself all the power to you 
 Ahhhhhh I just found out that we were never disagreeing to begin with. I don’t personally like the reporting aspect, but who decides what to do when things are “reported”? Like does “reporting” actually work here? 
 Relay operators can ban/censor npubs. Clients (I think) can ban/censor npubs.

Intuition leads me to believe if 1 of your 8 connected relays bans an npub, and you share at least 1 of your 7 other relays with that npub, you’ll still see their notes. 

Which means client banning is probably more comprehensive (than relay banning) IF many people use that client.

Regarding earlier in this thread, I don’t believe you have a right to your subjective definition of peace at all times. I believe you should be given the tools to mute and/ curate your own algorithm to work towards your definition of peace. Which will realistically require continuous light maintenance. I doubt (and hope) you’re not asking for a utopia here. These are good conversations and your desires are valid. 
 I didn’t actually personally  ask for it or collaborate on it, nor have I even used it yet. I was attempting to support the choice of those that did. I continuously mute/unfollow people myself. 

What I personally want is a customizable mini feed within the larger feed of all the people I follow that are just my closer friends (like a top 20 friend list) so I have a place I can just interact with my friends on here without all the randos slurring about. 
 Ooo that’s a good idea. Maybe a 2nd account could be a workaround for you for now. 
 I was pretty tired and not fully aware what the reporting does when it comes to that bot.
As i understand it will lead to you being muted on those relays and his client.

And yeah we are agreeing
Zero isseu with mute words for myself
As example i have giveaway muted but it wont auto mute/report users who have done one i just dont see it 
 I thought about this too, but it doesnt really matter as long as the the protocol remains open. 

The people being censored, blocked, reported by these tools will still be able to exsist using the protocol. 

The people censoring, blocking, reporting will still be able to exsis using the protocol. 

I just cant grasp what the ongoing issue is with people wanting to build what they want on an open  protocol.


 I don’t get it either. Freedom is gonna look differently for everyone. 
 Are the people mad because they are getting notifications that they are getting reported instead of the person requesting to use the bot getting notifications that certain people are blocked from their feed? I keep seeing the upset people showing pictures of their warning about language and I think that is what is agitating people.  
 Just worried down the line it becomes the defacto default and it basically turns into what exists today. 

Off topic me having concerns about it doesnt equal me saying harassment racism or whatever is cool by me
 I knowww it’s so complicated. I am absolutely for protecting of right to free speech. I would just like an option to be able to also have freedom to curate my own experience here. I don’t personally even use this tool yet because I have a different idea of how I wanna go about this (a feed within a feed of 20 favorite users/kind of like MySpace top 10 vibes) so if the main feed is getting a little hateful or cringe, I can go to the mini feed of just the homies. 
 How dare you come up with your own way to deal with a problem you have. HOW DARE YOU 
 I knowww idk why my brain is thinking so much today 😂