Western govts demonize Russia for the things that Western govts do in exactly the same way for exactly the same reasons. nostr:note13vudugx4qjjpttrp44nleyyxa93m2v48hmaps9tk0af9wmxzp4nszve84u
Yes but we do it for "our democracy" so it's all good. 🙄
Criminal activity was often used as a pretext to monitor transactions, which were then exploited to suppress bitcoiners. https://m.primal.net/KMKT.mov nostr:nevent1qqs9ymum8yky308gcp7wuyflzrurd66kfmckzz0j25y38t464uml9mcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg9euaj5dwsxg4hdxqweu54uf8ay3ec2d0ezs2l85xh899rkzgprmspsgqqqqqqs6uugck