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 I wonder if there could be a system on here (... I think similar to Brave rewards?) of tipping sites or RSS feeds which the original author can then claim? 🤔

Suppose they could just join and set up their own RSS feed ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. 

Just another silly idea I had lol

Anyway here is morgoth's RSS feed lolol


 @Morgoth’s Review (RSS Feed) 
 Tipping? LBRY maybe. 

All of those crypto projects failed compared to patreon and substack. 

Perhaps I'll start a monero tip service.  subcrack?  😁 
 Yeah I think substack is the thing that works best for most these guys.

Doesn't solve the reach problem, but that is another problem anyway ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 
 Are you sure there are consumers to reach? 

My thesis of them preferring twerking lolis on tiktok still stands solid. Folks like Bronze Age Faggot are supported for political reasons, not for their writing. In a way, it's a lame edition of bitcoin assassination pools for federal reserve kikes.  
 Not everyone on substack is BAP or BAPish 🤔 
 The other type is finance related.  
 You just probably haven't explored more. The quoted substack RSS isn't BAP-related. 
 I read old forum archives instead, or something from the royal society. 
Substack was interesting to see who got the most shekels. Political bullshit or finance. I can't make it in that scene. So it's of little interest to me, but Im curious why folks like you are into it.  
 It's just longform twitter really, so can be short fiction, essays, poems, actually even podcasts and whatnot. I suppose it's a nice away from twitter, I probably only really check in in twitter for a handful of people and I'm mostly interested in their sporadic longer form essays, their tweets are somewhat garnish but I can easily do without. In general there is maybe a move away from microblogging(?)

Makes sense that Elon felt such a big threat from substack.

What's the deal with the royal society? 🤔 
 I prefer discord and 4chan formats to microblogging. Less serious. More ephemeral. We show up, get high, call each other faggots, and raid some political or religious site. That's the fun internet. 

Royal society has high quality publications. Higher quality than Popular Mechanics.  
 Its a shame we can't convice morgoth to get on here. 
It dose get on my nerves when some folks whine about censorship but refuse to use freedom tech. 
Bith as content creators and consumers... 
 He's here in substack and YouTube RSS form lol