I'm curious if you have multiple mints configured in Minibits, or just a single mint? I was having issues with zaps failing, and after I consolidated into a single mint the problem seemed to be resolved. I've been sending and receiving zaps via Amethyst NWC successfully ever since.
Just a single mint
Hmmm... Maybe this is an unrelated problem. Or it's the same problem that I've incorrectly attributed to my mint consolidation, although my problem pretty much disappeared as soon as I went to a single mint. A corresponding problem I was having was that about half the time, my transactions weren't showing up in my transaction log even though they were successful. I think Minibits has flagged that as a bug that will be resolved in a future release. Is it only Alby zap sends you're having trouble with, or is it every provider?
Single mints. https://imgs.search.brave.com/7mg_dSAHLG8rVX2T5A-A7mtp6Puwjii48UQlXtZF6zo/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4x/LmJpZ2NvbW1lcmNl/LmNvbS9zZXJ2ZXI0/ODAwL2M5N2M0L3By/b2R1Y3RzLzY5L2lt/YWdlcy80MjEvTWVu/dG9zX01pbnRfTG9v/c2VfQnVsa19XX182/NzcxMy4xNDEwNzM3/MjYyLjE3MS4xNzEu/anBnP2M9Mg
Lol Akshully... If we're being literal, those are individual mints, not single mints. A single mint would be alone, and not with a group of other individuals. 🤓
😄 I would have figured that through osmosis @frphank would have figured out the one true single mint by now https://nostrcheck.me/media/17538dc2a62769d09443f18c37cbe358fab5bbf981173542aa7c5ff171ed77c4/f2b0368c848a7d81e23f98208ea03931ca4877a135dffa3dbf2522339b70e410.webp
Where I live we mint our own money and the Fed is not involved.
@frphank correct. You are also downstream of the Single Mint™️. Your subordinate mint must consider arbitrary debasement episodes from the one true mint. All of your country’s trade happens over the Single Mint rails, and not in bolivars, seashells, or shekels. In meme form: https://image.nostr.build/c0b73147128845fc3b1faed2fd70ffb6997546ea8762544a635ed1a7c8ecb7b3.png
Our exchange rate for US$ can be adjusted on short notice don't worry. It went up ~15% over the past 5 years to accommodate the US$ flood.