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 That’s what’s hard to watch from the eng-internet. The russkies keep to themselves mostly, but they still at least kinda try to present a respectable front even on telegram. All the disgusting, psychopathic stuff has come from the ukrainian cheerleaders, gloating over dead kids, pissing on bodies, happily disfiguring corpses and sending the pictures to the dead guy’s mom back home has come from the ukes and their american handlers/overseers. The clip of that guy eating cooked human remains? Ukes. 

They do stuff to russians I wouldn’t even do to a nigger. That’s how inhuman they can be. Worse, it’s cheered by their side, signal boosted and applauded because “ziggers”, their slavic brothers, are evidently lower than roaches in their own estimation. (I hope beyond hope that it’s just psychotic roasties and NAFO fags doing that, and NOT the white ukrainians fighting for their people).

It’s a marvel, really. I have long felt a measure of kinship and admiration for the ukrainians, but their behavior throughout this has been appalling. The ruskies are dumb and outdated, but at least they’re still treating their opponents like members of their greater family tree. 
 @Springtime for Zeon (Woggy Mk II) @Terry @BroDrillard @Eoka Pistol I rarely see any compassion or mercy for those poor Putler's conscripts.
Somehow those guys being forced to fight this war are fun to kill