@dc07995b One of my best friends lives in Maine; a few years ago he told of a road trip he & his family took in the states; in someplace like (gonna randomly pick) New Mexico, a state trooper who’d stopped him & looked at his driver’s licence said “Maine?!? Is that in the United States?” @385479fd
@3409b63c @385479fd I believe it. I hail from the sticks, Aroostook County. South of Bangor, they point to I-95N and say ‘nothing beyond but loons’ 😂
@dc07995b Ah, the land of the Bangor & Aroostook RR. @385479fd
@3409b63c @385479fd “Where cellphone service fears to tread,” I once wrote many moons ago. A welcome respite from the always-connected world, I add.