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 No one can agree on what the American dream is anymore—or if it's even realistic

Donald Trump promises to restore the American dream if elected in November 2024; the definition of the American dream is increasingly debated and seen as unattainable; Gonzalo Schwartz from Archbridge Institute reports rising pessimism about achieving the dream, with 2024 showing the highest skepticism yet; Jamie Dimon warns of a fading hope for the workforce; economic conditions, including stagnant wages and unaffordable housing, contribute to disillusionment; Professor Henrietta Moore emphasizes the importance of engagement in the economy; Pew Research indicates older, wealthier, white individuals are more likely to believe in the dream's existence; 68% of those aged 65+ think the dream is possible, while only 39% of 18-29 year-olds agree; Boomers and Millennials share similar goals for the dream but differ in relevance and values; a CBO report highlights wealth inequality, with the bottom 50% holding just 6% of assets; societal transformation is necessary to address climate change and inequality.

#AmericanDream #DonaldTrump #PewResearch #Economy #WealthInequality #HousingMarket #GenerationalDifferences #Engagement #SocietalTransformation #Disillusionment
