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 @11ab3874 @b42b2f3c @midway@soapbox.midwaytrades.com r u saying u support a Christian state that strips reproductive freedoms off women and believes slavery can be of benefit to the enslaved?

Those r just 2 of the 'ugh conservative' principles u endorse every time u back the #gop. 
 @f19ffb7b @11ab3874 @b42b2f3c 

 @89a8406c @b42b2f3c @f19ffb7b No not really, #Christian nationalism is NOT the move. 
 @f19ffb7b @b42b2f3c 

> r u saying u support a Christian state that strips reproductive freedoms off women and believes slavery can be of benefit to the enslaved?

No. Barely anybody does.

> Those r just 2 of the 'ugh conservative' principles u endorse every time u back the #gop.

Are you even paying attention to politics? You're either lying, or you have been lied to. 

Florida schools now teach the benefits of slavery in the school curriculum. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna95418

#gop sycophants from Boebert to MTG to the orange ape himself post tweets and videos of themselves rattling on about making the US a Christian state. These r super easy to find and they r their words tweeted by them.

Roe v wade. Birth control will b next.

That's all w/o talking about tax cuts for the rich or the environment.

How can u not be aware of these things? 

The #Florida curriculum says the following:

> slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit

Is this a lie?

> #gop sycophants from Boebert to MTG to the orange ape himself post tweets and videos of themselves rattling on about making the US a Christian state. These r super easy to find and they r their words tweeted by them.

Share some then. Even if you could find them, the vast, vast majority of #GOP members are #Christian nationalists. You would be hard pressed to find more #Christian nationalists in the #GOP per capita than #GOP members who voted to oust #KevinMcCarthy. 

And here's some bonus facts from some other people who know the tax cuts did not trickle down to workers (cannot believe anyone still falls for that shit).

 @f19ffb7b Doesn't this showcase that your "middle out" plan doesn't work? "The rich" aren't getting tax cuts right now, and now the #UAW is claiming that things have never been worse. Maybe you would have a point if this happened under the #Trump administration, post tax cuts. 
 @11ab3874 and here, since u seem to struggle with independent research, is some facts about Christian nationalism and the gop.


Though we all know u folk don't want actual Christianity, which involves loving your neighbor and caring for the sick and the poor. 
 @f19ffb7b #Christian nationalism is a lot worse than that, that's pretty tame in comparison. A bit weird that you're using #NPR as a dictionary.


The problem with #Christian nationalism is that it seeks to enforce #Christian law on non #Christians. The government has no place in enforcing religious law. 

There are literally hundreds of articles on Christian nationalism and the #gop. NYT, Guardian, The Atlantic. There is also a #whitenationalism hash tag here on mastodon and on every other social media service, with links to Republicans spouting this shit.

They want to whitewash slavery bcos they want to bring it back. Make no mistake about it. Womens rights and racial equality r what they think is wrong with the world.

And then there's gun control ... 

> There are literally hundreds of articles on Christian nationalism and the #gop. NYT, Guardian, The Atlantic.

It seems as though you are reading op eds and taking them as fact, which is unfortunate. 
 @11ab3874  is this gonna b the same way  I was lying about the gop saying slavery was beneficial to the slaves bcos "no one thinks that" until it turned out they actually do ?

The many articles evidencing republican christian nationalism include links to utube videos and tweets of Republicans saying just that. They r not attempting to hide it or deny it. They r proud of it.

U seem like a smart and educated guy and I cannot understand y u vote for a party led by a rapist. 
 @f19ffb7b Okay dude. You clearly lack some reading skills so I'll drop this convo. I try to only talk to people who listen. 

U r accusing me of lacking reading skills when u have twice been caugjt out in ignorance in the course of this conversation.


60+ judges found there to be no evidence of the election fraud your grifting cult leader spouted. Were they too lacking reading skills?

Get your head out of your butt. 
 @f19ffb7b There's no reason for me to listen to you when you're not listening to me.

Talking past each other is unproductive. 

What has actually happened here is that I have evidenced factual examples of vile conservative policies and behavious that u know r wrong and can't dispute in any way that is consistent with a basic understanding of democracy, decency and human rights. 
 @f19ffb7b Tell yourself that if you like! 👍🏾 That narrative is clearly easier for you to understand than what I have said in this thread. 
 Niggers arent Christian 
 Niggers aren't human. Therefore the possibility of becoming Christian is out of the question.