I think we have a ziinist here. Talking in vague terms doesnt hide the fact that it is a genocide against Palestinians.
Call it as it is, a genocide. And oh, tell me please, why exactly do you not want people to know about it? To what noble Zionist goal?
Believe whatever you want buddy. You don't see us demanding other countries to help fix our economy that's fucked up because we gave our countries money to other low life places like the one you mentioned.
Do you live in isreal & are you in gaza?
Said like a supremacist occupyer. Didn't they teach you to hide that in public?
Oh, could you plz tell us about the talmud, the greater israel.
And what does Amalik mean?
Why are you avoiding the question are you afraid to admit the truth?
Tell me, what is the pressing question that you want me to answer so badly amidst this bloody genocide?
Ask me and I'll be happy to answer. Is it "why is Israel committing genocide in Gaza"?
You already know the question as you read my previous comment which asked it now answer.