I’m trying my hardest to figure out what this so called Central bankers & Governments are thinking or what they got up their sleeves. So far except a handful of Nations, the rest have little to almost no interest in saving their fiat currencies. By at least getting back to responsible monetary policies across the board. Feels like a deliberate strategic control demolishing of the “fiats” one after another in circle. All in the guise of saving their economy, even when public datas and economic reports states otherwise. They really believe they can control this Ponzi of an economic scheme forever or at the very least as long as it takes. For them the only way out is “a control landing” with expectations it will be a soft one and the effects short lived. So they can then begin again. Is interest rate & yield curve control alone only going to get the job done?. Perhaps they know fiat is already broken so it’s best to exhaust whatever leverage it got left. Then when it finally collapse with the economy they’re trying so hard to save the next thing is will be launched. Let’s see how it plays out.