Nostrudel is showing them glacially slowly. Weird.
Ligess always sends out a kind 0 event of the zapper profile first, as some relays don't accept events without a profile. This is the first paid one, purplepages blocks the zap request, which makes sense. Noswhere blocks both, but it looks to be accepted on forest and citadel. I did notice some empty objects in the log, not sure what that is. Those might be relay notices which I'm losing now?
On another zap, it got 'restricted: not an active paid member' from After this, I think you played with a different app, for a 25 sat zap: 'An error occured while getting invoice: No relay tag on zap request', not sure why that would be? So it seems at least some relays do accept them, but not that many. thecitadel is your relay?