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 Chronological feeds are cool no doubt but the trade off is it makes you want/need to spend more time on nostr to avoid missing good notes

Too much time on social media isn't ideal even if it's with frens imo 
 feel this fr.

is nostr alive now OR is the fomo back🥴 
 Agreed, would be great to have a feed where you can flag certain accounts you don’t want to miss so they’ll always populate towards the top. Even if everything else stays the same. 
 Have you considered creating a friends list? I have a friendstr list and it's the fist thing I look at in the morning. Then devstr list then everyone else I'm following 
 Cystom list feeds in Damus would be amazing 
 No I’ll check that out 
 here, in case your client doesn't have an option for list management 
 This is brilliant, thank you! Is there any client available that can display a view for one of the kind 30000 lists created with Listr where all npubs are private? Preferably, something that will remember the last post I’ve seen and let me catch up from there. 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsxrxhk5c9nlex8xw4v5psu2gkvn370rkr77nys37kvtmvnd5aa7gcpzamhxue69uhksctkv4hzuemfwf5kumewdaexwtcpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43z7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09uxpjq26 this seems to be a good solution for private follow lists (I just don't know of a good client for it at the moment). 
 No amethyst  tem um filtro que dá para ver essas listas criadas nesse site. 
 Onde? Eu criei um set adicionando todas as pubkeys que quero seguir (em modo privado). Quando busco pelo id da lista consigo ver que o set existe, mas não consigo "expandir" e ver o conteúdo criado por essas pubkeys. 
 We kinda have nostr communities for chronological content people just don't use them much. 
 100% agree. That’s why I wish I had a “favorites” feed so I can make sure I don’t miss post from people I really want to see but can scroll the rest later without fear of missing something. 
 you can create a NIP-51 favorites list. 
 🤔 I’ll look into that. Thanks! 
 Maybe it’s a better argument for spending *less* time on social media. 
 Disagree. It’s false for people to think they’re so important that they need to know everything that happens. Chronological feed makes me not care so much about trying to see everything. If it was truly important then I’ll see it when I come back online because people will still be talking about it. Everything else I missed is probably inconsequential to me, and trying to care THAT much about everyone online is a waste of my emotional energy and time and attention. When I’m online on nostr, I’m in the moment. When I’m off nostr, I’m not wondering what I’m missing because it is happening without me and I’m doing something more important offline anyway. 

I never have been big into social media but even now I'm starting to feel like a couple hours on NOSTR is too much (maybe the draw of getting zapped?) 
 I’m not sure about this one. I check Nostr much more often than Mastodon precisely because there’s no “pressure” to interact with content on Mastodon before folks move on to the next shiny thing. My mobile client picks up all my ActivityPub stuff exactly where I left it, allowing me to catch up once every few days. In a way, this is “good” for Nostr, as I keep coming here to avoid missing things. However, as much as I support your recent experiments with Algorithm Relays (as well as Nostr DVMs), algorithms don’t really help me cut back on social media, at least in my case. A no-rush (anti-Twitter) culture works better for me. 
 would it help if the nostr algorithm showed a fixed number of top ranked posts and then didn't load any more posts until the next day? 
 🥰🥰🥰 AlgoRelay fixes this 

 i tried this out, but it just said it had no post. Am I doing something wrong? 
 Not much in my case. What would work for me is having good client support for kind 30000 named "Follow Sets". I would like to have separate "feeds" for each set like in Coracle. But it also needs to be able to read and assemble the timeline from the encrypted ".content" field (so I don't have to share the contents of all of my lists publicly) and have the ability to remember my current position in each feed like my favourite ActivityPub clients. 

This way, I can step away for a few days, come back, and catch up from where I left off without FOMO. In other words, I don’t necessarily need less or algorithmically curated content (although both may be great for other kinds of users); I need better tools to self-curate and catch up with interesting content at my own pace. 
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