Is there a way to connect multiple @Alby wallets to one hub? Need a solution for my wife’s alby wallet. #asknostr
You can spin up wallets for friends and family:
I'm not sure if this can bring your wife's existing alby account into your hub or not; my wife runs her own lightning node so we have different alby hubs running on each node.
Yeah I’d be happy to set her up with a new wallet, but it doesn’t really say how to get her a lightning address to link to her nostr…
It's pretty straightforward, in your AlbyHib go to the App Store and open the Friends and Family app up, put in the name of the person and it gives you several onboarding options (you need to choose one right away, as the onboarding options are only shown once. You can delete and recreate the family wallet if you aren't ready yet). I just did it with Alby Go mobile app and once you scan the QR it lets you choose a new alby lightning address.
Hopefully they update the guide soon because it just tells how to do a sub account but just says more to come on setting up a lightning wallet and address…
Yes, that is one of it's greatest features. I have my wife and daughters all set up with their own wallets on my Alby Hub.
How? The guide just tells how to set up a sub-account without lightning address so she’d have to create an invoice to get zapped
As part of the wallet set up, it should prompt her to log into Alby and connect her account with the NWC connection string.
And it will just automatically connect to my existing node?
Using the connection string given in the wallet set up, it will connect to the wallet you just set up on your node and anything sent to that Alby Lightning address will go to that new wallet, too.
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