#VladsMEdiary Ep 148 Let's talk dynamic disability. #MEawarenesshour #LongCovid Vlad Vexler: From: https://twitter.com/vladvexler/status/1453428887548047367 If people know of any of Vlad's other social media channels where he talks about ME, #chronicillness etc., please let me know. I know he has a very popular YouTube channel on Russian politics but that's not particularly relevant for those who might be interested in this video. @4183a04c @3a447f2a @3567457b @04c95879 @0c35b0ca #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE https://assets.disabled.social/media_attachments/files/111/151/303/096/657/026/original/196e416c896b0242.mp4