i am reminded of the closing scene from American Psycho
where President Reagan is talking on TV and Bateman ( the Psycho ) comments that Reagan is basically this sweet grandpa on the outside ... ( and it is implied that on the inside Reagan is a monster just like Bateman himself ) ... then Bateman says "but what is on the inside doesn't matter"
Trump is Reagan on Steroids.
And it isn't just his supporters but also his haters that judge Trump 100% on his rhetoric and not on his actions ... same as it was for Regan and same as it was for Bateman ...
"what is on the inside doesn't matter"
Machiavelli wrote about this when ? And people are still this way - still completely taken by appearances taking them at face value ...
amazing, pathetic and disgusting.
i have tried hundreds of times and it is impossible to explain to my dumb bitch mother what Trump is or what her own Husband is for that matter ... and most Trump voters are like my mother ...
people are either unwilling or unable to face reality, probably both, always were and always will be ...
@Prince Aleph