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 “Yes I’m happy” ? wtf kind of evil is this? https://i.nostr.build/WjA7gByDqoJuVGuN.jpg  

Web communist dystopia bullcrap strikes back 😂

 😀 to tell them to go fly a 🪁. Brutal. 
 I remember once, before an operation, being asked by the nurse, if I was happy for them to proceed.

I said no, but I consent.

She got very upset and told me they can't go ahead unless I indicate I'm happy for them to go ahead.

I had to explain the difference between being happy to do something and consenting to it.  
 Consent must be enthusiastic 👀 
 Some woke shit 
 Wasn't there a report about a factory (?) a while ago where only smiling employees could enter? 

Well... i guess that people are perhaps not HAPPY with the state of things is a growing problem... 
 It’s sad that some UX/UI designer thought this would be cute. 
 "You will accept cookies and be happy"