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 UK Protests - A Constitution

From what I can see, most successful movements unite people around a single, galvanizing idea. To avoid fragmentation and distraction, the British public should rally behind a simple, powerful message that can draw broad support from diverse groups. A peaceful revolution is crucial for gaining public sympathy and making it difficult for the government to respond with authoritarian measures.

What is that idea we should unite behind?

The unifying idea is a constitution. This constitution should serve as a social contract between the government and the people—a living document written by and voted on by the people. It should clearly outline our collective expectations for how we agree OUR government and fellow citizens should behave. Like our elected representatives, this constitution should evolve over time through the democratic process.

A constitution of rights AND responsibilities

We need a constitution that includes a charter of rights and clearly defined responsibilities. This approach ensures that we articulate not just what we expect from the government but also what we expect from each other as British citizens.

What should we demand from our government?

YOUR charter can DEMAND that our government upholds fiscal responsibility, avoids foreign entanglements in wars that we do not consent to, controls immigration, and refrains from expanding into an ever-growing financial burden on us all. For example, the responsibilities we could demand include:

Responsibility for Fiscal Responsibility:
The state must exercise fiscal responsibility by reducing the national deficit year-on-year, creating a sustainable financial environment for future generations. This includes addressing unfunded liabilities by ensuring that all future obligations, such as welfare, are fully funded and accounted for. This includes a strict separation of money and state, where the government does not control or influence the money supply, dictate legal tender, or establish a central bank. Fiscal policies should prioritize long-term economic stability and the financial freedom of citizens.

Responsibility for Defence:
The state must maintain forces and measures sufficient to protect its citizens and territories from direct external threats. These forces should be strictly limited to responding to clear, imminent, and direct threats to the nation's sovereignty, territorial integrity, or the safety of its citizens. This includes ensuring a net zero immigration policy to safeguard national security and effectively manage the country's limited infrastructure, space, culture, and resources.

Responsibility for Welfare:
The state is responsible for establishing a welfare system that protects society's most vulnerable members, especially when they cannot work. However, this system should be carefully structured not to incentivize non-native immigration, ensuring that resources are prioritized for those in genuine need while maintaining the sustainability of support structures.

Responsibility for Government Size Reduction:
The state is responsible for reducing the size and scope of central government and the civil service year-on-year. This includes downsizing government departments, reducing bureaucratic overhead, and streamlining public services to increase efficiency. Powers should be decentralized, transferring authority and resources to local communities, thereby minimizing unnecessary interference in citizens' lives. Centralized governments are more susceptible to corruption by lobbying, so decentralization also protects the integrity of governance, empowering individuals and communities to take greater responsibility for their own affairs.

How would we implement this?

You can read the rest of my draft charter here: https://github.com/BenGWeeks/Pactum/blob/main/CharterOfRightsAndResponsibilities.md . But this is YOUR constitution—copy it, suggest changes, or create your own. What would you include? Should the government provide healthcare? What about state education? After public discourse and debate, we should reach a consensus on how we want our country to be run and what we expect from each other as fellow countrymen. We will do this by voting, through a democratic process, on the version of the constitution we want.

How do we get our government to listen?

Change won’t come without action. We can march on parliament, spread the word, and use the alternative press—all through peaceful protest. But more importantly, we can instigate change by refusing to use the government’s money—a money supply that can be printed at will, taxing YOU while you sleep. By stopping the use of their money, we can smoke them out, cutting off the flow of funds they rely on for their endless wars and big government contracts to their mates. Use Bitcoin—the people's money—decentralized and controlled by no one. It’s not illegal, and it's peaceful.


"It might make sense just to [have your say] in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy" (or something like that) - Satoshi Nakamoto

#ConstitutionForTheUK #StopUsingTheirMoney #EnoughIsEnough #StudyBitcoin #BuyBitcoin

 Ben i think i found a writer for our blog.  Lov ur posts  
 But is this an idea that could catch on with "normies" (said in a loving way ;-))? 
 it can.  prperin blog around activism.  privacy culture music art and issius.  general. for. normies and not only. kindow platform giving ppl to start critikal thinkin.  who know were it can go.  want to boild.to be ready when masses will come, they need a help 
 Where’s your blog? 
 In progress hope few weeks mabe shorter  
 Stop believing in government.
Start recognizing the only true Sovereign, King Jesus.
 Ummm…I thought we had that already🤔 
 We don't have a single written constitution. Maybe we should just define a Charter or Bill of Rights and Responsibilities"? 
 Yeah my mistake…I have a US perspective

…but our constitution has been trampled on and sidestepped in the name of “interstate commerce” for over 100 years now 
 Yeah, I think it served you well for a bit. How would you stop that happening? 
 Hopefully via the peaceful route of opting out of centralized systems (fiat currencies/assets and information matrix) … cuz the alternative would be bad for everyone. 

Either way our quality of life will likely change dramatically…I think for the worse materialistically but for the better culturally and socially

…my grandpa didn’t have near all the bells and whistles we have in his life…yet he was happy, successful (or so we all thought), culturally grounded socially and spiritually…that generation went to each others funerals and weddings cuz they wanted to not cuz they had to…they respected, helped and loved one another and worked collectively for a better future…”long time preference”…those are the things the magical alchemy of fiat has stolen from us… “short time preference”

🤔IMHO everything you need to know about the current system u can learn from watching The Lion King, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc etc…the system is based on old entrenched lions trying to delay the inevitable rise to power of younger, smarter, hungrier and more powerful lions using  the alchemy/magic of worthless fiat, paper tokens…but wtf do I know…I truly am an idgit and virtually always wrong😉 
 Being "virtually" always wrong is OK ;-)