@m0xEE lol, you'd love fse then, the fe both cannot be changed to 3 column and all reacts are changed to a like via an mrf Pete has
@buy robux today :ROBUX: s/start/stars/ of course! Damn, I have to get my typing in order, I type "thing" instead of "think" in like 9 cases out of ten — that starts being concerning. I used to spend too much time on double checking, but now it looks like I do the complete opposite: yesterday I had to fix my reply at least three times, noticing a typo in a split-second after pressing the post button :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:
@buy robux today :ROBUX: Too late to migrate, I'm on my own now… But maybe I can steal that MRF :marseythumbsup:
@m0xEE it only works with old pleroma I think... unless you know elixir then maybe you could make it work but I would not know how to start without the knowledge of elixir.