Oddbean new post about | logout
 Fuck it. Doing it right now from my boat. 
 🥲 wonderful!

You’re not going to miss it 
 Can't wait.  
 heard about boats/Bitcoingator! 
 You won’t miss it. I do think we need some presence there though to counteract the negative voices - surname Held for example. 
 Done. https://i.nostr.build/wGv9A.jpg 
 Let's go Derek! Did that to mine like 2 days ago.  
 One day it’ll become a memory anyway. Remember mIRC? 
 Yep! I loved IRC and spent many years on several IRC servers. 
 The few hardcore remaining are still idling on irc  
 oh IRC. what a callback. so pivotal. 
 Nice one! 👍🏼 
 He lost his twitter in a terrible boating accident! @ODELL 
 Good job nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpzdmhxw309akx7cmpd35x7um58g6rsd3eqyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2px56dk
 Did that 2 months ago. Was hard but worth it. So peaceful right now. 
 🫂 good on ya 
 Welcome to freedom and although you’ve already been here now you have a permanent stay! 
 Well done sir! 
 You have been liberated!  
 Lfg 💪 
 LFG!!!  🤙  
 My problem with OnlyNostr is that we need more outbound comms and integration with the current web, not less. Decreasing outbound communications slows the rate of informing unaware people. 
 I see you focused your energy 
 I did. 2008-2024. It had a good run. 
 Ooooohh shit! One of us! One of us! One of us! 🖖🏾⚡ 
 Congratulations! F&CK TWXTTER!!! #nostronly 
 my life has been meaningfully better since deleting my twitter 
 Pero en X hay chisme y diversión, cosa que hace mucha falta en Nostr. 
 I honestly haven't used Twitter or cared about it since December 2022. It makes no sense to keep it around when I only used it to share random Nostr related content. It never had any major impact or any meaningful conversations. Those happen here. 
 But how will you know what to think? The blue checks will be very mad. 
 Salutations and felicitations :-) ... 
 Haha. Nice one mate! 
 about time 🫡 
 Bold move good sir. That would be cool if they clicked your profile it forwards to Nostr 
 🫡 I would like to do it too 
 This is the way!! 
 following you! 
 great! one by one you are removing digital handcuffs. 👏🎉


 We need some people to get the word out 
 How does it feel? 
 Legend 🥹 
 Boats and….Nostr?! 🤣 