What does everyone want to talk about for tomorrow's permabits permaculture live stream on nostr:nprofile1qqsv83ejztakekydrtxp3a5yn3nqc34re9et7knkd3vn35rynlwuklqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0daxlja? I've been smack dab in the middle of preparing the homestead for winter and below freezing temperatures so that sort of thing is fresh on my mind. Wind breaks, shelters, livestock water management, winter paddocks and winter feed, rocker mass heaters, Bitcoin mining heaters, ect. #permaculture #permies #homesteading #meshtadel #livestream #cornychat
Yes, all of those. I've been pondering bale grazing. Specifically unrolling vs not unrolling.
Cool! Let's talk about it. 8pm eastern time
Hey farmers and homesteaders of nostr, check in to these chats. They're very informative and great networking! nostr:nevent1qqs85pm9u60l8ug00rj6u5gqnvqyenq7e0z20vqw3nuj2hyg8vq70sgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygzdqg7wnh7htflnqadcarsggqytu9ap7agvvw6auus7dmug8tw8v5psgqqqqqqs7dz6x7
Syntropic agroforestry and your opinion on using non native species. Where is this chat hosted?
I'd definitely want to talk about both those things. I have strong opinions on non native species.
I'd like to hear your opinion on this topic. I'm torn on it. Especially on eucalyptus species and there biomass production/ability to withstand heavy pruning, it Giberellic acid dealer.
It will be on cornychat.com/revhodlama
You know and hacks/hardware/tools for making traditional wood fireplaces better house heaters?
store the heat in stone, ceramics, or sand. use thermo-electric fans to circulate air
Thank you. I’ve set up a little circulating fan across the hot brick. Limited success so far… A stone/ceramic heat sink could be so cool if it were portable. I’ll keep trying.
There's a few things I can think of to improve the heating capacity of an average fireplace.
A free standing wood stove doesn’t require a whole lot. However, In-wall fireplaces have a lot of trouble warming more than the masonry and their immediate surroundings. Usually it relies on some sort of convection chamber in the masonry itself, that’s all well and good but they rarely feed right. Some have a blower on them, but a blower is usually 220v and power hungry. The already warm exhaust from a miner could be piped through the fireplace apparatus continuously, and could sink into the masonry. May actually negate the need for a wood fire on some days. When the fireplace was running, it’s not like blowing air that was already warm through it would be a bad thing. So maybe talk a bit about things like that. You and I have talked about various uses for the heat because that’s the first unintended resource from mining, but I haven’t heard anybody expound on the fact that you’re continuously moving a lot of air. I’m sure there’s things to use moving air for regardless of its temp.
Ever heard of a Rumford fireplace?
Just looked it up. Cool. Now that I see the design I’m wondering where I’ve seen one before.. I’m stuck with the squared for now
I wonder if you could modify the firebox to be more similar to a Rumford in some way. Especially if you used something reflective to help radiate the heat outward. Stainless steel or something. Just go grab a fridge off the side of the road and start playing around with the shape of the firebox.