Thanks for getting some perspective from the “other side” on your show and glad to hear there are those over there who are in favor of BTC. Ultimately I think this guy came across as incredibly tone deaf. A few highlights: - Repeatedly referring to those living under “authoritarian” regimes abroad finding Bitcoin useful as if all of us BTC advocates here in the US aren’t buying it in part for the exact same reason. - Get Fed tax receipts back up to 20%. Makes sense given how little they already confiscate and how proficient they are at putting it to good use… - (Regarding SAB 121): “I voted with all the democrats against the bill initially because I thought this is going to interfere with all the agencies, and I’m usually for deferring to the agencies.” Glad he came around eventually but hearing him say the above out loud tells you everything you need to know about how these people think and operate. Unbelievable. - Touting the US response to COVID as a reason for optimism. Agree with him on the endless nonsense wars and budget overrun stuff for sure but people are absolutely fed up and politicians can’t seem to grasp the actual reason why. Our government and its money IS THE PROBLEM. Keep up the great work Natalie!