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 Still, next vector of atack from authorities is that we all access the Internet through hardware and software controlled by a handful of companies, Single Points of Failure that can be easily coerced into bugging the OS or even the hardware itself.
We need open devices to run not just Bitcoin nodes or Nostr relays, but phones and computers that even normies can use. 
Open and user friendly devices in which we know a send syscall will not be tracked by some closed source AI powered filter, or that the device itself is not collecting data to send to the HQs, or allowing rear door access  somehow.

Anyone knows someone already working on that? 
 GNU/Linux stops most of that from happening, as they are not like Windows, where it WILL be bugged like that. 
 Right. But for now Linux is basically for nerds (like myself). Normies do not care to control their NixOS setup with nix packages and flakes to be fully reproducible, or buy a relatively pricey  phone such as Pixel a series so that they can run Graphene OS to try scape the Google or Apple digital jails
Imagine a mobile devive with similar UX to an iPhone or Android, but being totally open source underneath, from one of several vendors who do not engage on services, just sell fully working devices, old school. By default, your docs & media gets backed up to your own devices, not the cloud. And you didn't configure a thing. Imagine an open router device with your own Tor relay server facing the Internet. Imagine Tor browsing by default and the regukar browsing being " the othet option". Imagine 1-2 TByte storage in that router to backup your files there, instead of on somebody elses computer. A more powerful and expensive version for nerds also allows to run your Bitcoin and LN nodes and Nostr relay.
Imaging open source development being funded by companies that just sell devices. Not barebones hardware loading a proprietary OEM closed source OS, but actual working devices out of the box running fully open source. Running images you could check the signatures for online, if your nerdiness required it.
We have all the right foundations: Linux, Grapheme OS, Tor, Nostr, Bitcoin, Lightning, etc.
We now just need to onboard the Normie's into open and privacy by default devices. Normie's do not install stuff, they buy things. It has to be convenient if it is going to work.
 Right. But for now Linux is basically for nerds (like myself). Normies do not care to control their NixOS setup with nix packages and flakes to be fully reproducible, or buy a relatively pricey  phone such as Pixel a series so that they can run Graphene OS to try scape the Google or Apple digital jails
Imagine a mobile devive with similar UX to an iPhone or Android, but being totally open source underneath, from one of several vendors who do not engage on services, just sell fully working devices, old school. By default, your docs & media gets backed up to your own devices, not the cloud. And you didn't configure a thing. Imagine an open router device with your own Tor relay server facing the Internet. Imagine Tor browsing by default and the regukar browsing being " the othet option". Imagine 1-2 TByte storage in that router to backup your files there, instead of on somebody elses computer. A more powerful and expensive version for nerds also allows to run your Bitcoin and LN nodes and Nostr relay.
Imaging open source development being funded by companies that just sell devices. Not barebones hardware loading a proprietary OEM closed source OS, but actual working devices out of the box running fully open source. Running images you could check the signatures for online, if your nerdiness required it.
We have all the right foundations: Linux, Grapheme OS, Tor, Nostr, Bitcoin, Lightning, etc.
We now just need to onboard the Normie's into open and privacy by default devices. Normie's do not install stuff, they buy things. It has to be convenient if it is going to work.
 I do all of this lol. Nixos and i3 is my baby