DTCC, Chainlink Complete Pilot to Accelerate Fund Tokenization with JPMorgan, Templeton, BNY Mellon Participating; LINK Gains 7%. The aim of the Smart NAV pilot was to test a process to bring and disseminate fund data on multiple blockchains, a key step for tokenization. https://www.coindesk.com/resizer/o1rAp9IE2cYCD3oWWomulAJAXxg=/1056x594/filters:quality(80):format(webp)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/coindesk/KXRVBGWDBJF33GTOL2WVTDQ6AQ.jpeg
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), in collaboration with blockchain oracle Chainlink, has completed a pilot project called Smart NAV to accelerate the tokenization of funds. The pilot project aimed to establish a standardized process for bringing and disseminating net asset value (NAV) data of funds across multiple blockchains using Chainlink's interoperability protocol CCIP. The project involved major U.S. financial institutions, including JPMorgan, Templeton, BNY Mellon