This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies on the path to climate action.
Also, never let trolls decide what you talk about or how you talk. They're bad faith actors and they approach you to harm you. Blocking them on sight—including when you see them on other peoples' feeds—is basic SoMe housekeeping.
#DailyReminder #ClimateAction #ShrugAndBlock
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies on the path to climate action.
Also, we don't have to personally bear witness to every single catastrophic climate event or read every chart and graph on antarctic sea ice just to prove we are committed to climate action. It's definitely ok to switch the news off and go do something else instead. It won't harm our green credentials even the tiniest bit.
#ClimateAction #DailyReminder
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies on the path to climate action.
Also, this is just another Friday, and you're allowed to go about your business as the day invites. I know you have worries, I know you grieve, but today you're allowed to just be human. Really not a bad thing to be. I like you immensely for it.
#DailyReminder #ClimateAction
I have turned into more of a reader than a writer on Mastodon. I'm more than happy to report that my international newsfeed is now as good on Mastodon as it used to be on twitter and without all the noise.
#TwitterMigration #News #LurkingInTheShadows
Notes by 17dd0d7a | export