It's great being called crazy when I say I'm wary about COVER setting up an office in San Francisco. Even if it's limited to setting up collaborations/making events easier to set up/possible US shipping, there's still the process of interviewing possible infiltrators and pressure from rags and so called US investors.
Yeah I played Three Hopes, only Edelgard and Dimitri since I hate Claude that much. It only takes a few scenes to realize in 3H that he's a vindictive mutt with a grudge against a continent that has had to defend against the niggers of their world for a long time. They even have tales of how savage Almyrans are.
Starting to realize Intelligent Systems was based for portraying Claude as the ultimate jewish pawn in Three Houses and how retarded he is.
>Hates Whites
>Thinks he's clever but is actually retarded
>Wants to destroy an ancient continent full of history/culture/tradition because muh racism
>Would basically have to murder everyone that disagrees with him since they and their kids will hold values counter to him, especially generations down the line
>If not that he has to brainwash citizens and everyone knows people aren't retarded enough to deny their instincts
>Not to forget that he's a coward underneath it all
>Most boring and uninspired route/story in FE history
Give me the tragic Warrior King story 9 times out of 10.
Pretty good game, thoroughly enjoyed the simple gunplay, rarely used reflex mode because leaning out of cover felt way more intuitive. Felt fun killing stuff and seeing the rare gib. I'm kind of glad there wasn't ADS when aiming. Shit has ruined many FPS with it's piss poor implementation throughout the years. None of that shitty hit marker noise either. Physics we're pretty cool and funny, especially when you kill someone and their body gets flung through the air sometimes. Level design is very much of it's time, a little samey because of the color palette but I never got lost. Story? For an ActionPsychThriller, basic but got the point across. Messed up experiments, drama, psychic super humans and grabs for power, classic.
Interesting concept of clones being controlled by a singular person and shutting down when their commander dies. Like robits but they explode guts.
And yes I haven't played this in the 18 years it was out until today. I feel I missed out on something that would have been scary growing up.
It's interesting, because looking at both my grandpas, I won't bald until my 70s. I won't lose color on my head until I'm in my 60s from what it looks like too. Hey, rock that salt and pepper though.
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