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 Qual é desses devs e executivos das grandes empresas de jogos que ofendem os próprios clientes,... 
 Os devs em si mais cumprem ordens do que realmente mandam no projeto. E a questão é que os executivos são meros gerentes (managerial class) sem o real skin in the game nas ações das empresa. E boa parte dos donos é Vanguard, Blackrock e etc... 
 Apesar que quem votou no Novo, já sabendo do quão apertada era a corrida, é pq realmente não via muita diferença entre Nunes e Marçal.

Na vdd acho que mais da metade deles ia preferir o Nunes mesmo pela "estabilidade". 
 Sinto muito colega, mas isso não é inteiramente verdade. Existe uma convenção multilateral sobre Assistência Mútua administrativa em matéria tributária que tanto a Suíça como Brasil assinaram e conforme as demandas das Receitas de cada país podem sim solicitar troca de informações bancárias. Artigo 5 e 6 do Decreto 8.842 aqui do Brasil se tiver curiosidade. Tudo isso é informação Pública.  
 If someone can sneak explosives into pagers, what could be inside our hardware wallets? 
 Do you think they were a "special batch" or they can turn any pager battery into a "mini grenade"?

I am still wondering how they did the attack. 
 Is it really better/more private? 
 Não ironicamente acredito que a Taylor Swift tem pelo menos 5% de chance de ser a candidata democrata a presidente no próximo ciclo eleitoral americano. (E provavelmente vai perder, 😜)

Not ironically I believe there is at least a 5% chance of Taylor Swift being the Democrat presidential candidate in the next election cycle. (And still you likely lose 😜) 
 Do you refer "Softwar" only as mining wars or any sort of cyber attacks? 
 Now you understand a glimpse of what is too be a Brazilian 😉 
 Chesterson explained/predicted it all more than  60 years ago 🙃 
 Congrats for Milei. Argentina elected president!!

A bit of hope in the middle of darkness 🙃 
 No dude. Please don't🙃 
 The second image. Put your phone 1 meter away. Or slightly close your eyes 
 I know it is not true, but this is super weird. We still need better AI for identifying AI generated  images. Anyways....

(Otherwise that is 100/100 creepy)

I know Nostr is a really chilled and fun place. But even here I think it is really important to make an honest self evaluation of stuff. 

"With great powers come great responsabilities" - Uncle Ben

Do you wanna upset Uncle Ben? 😂

 Is it a Dorama or real live? 
 antes de eu mandar o dinheiro que tenho na corretora pra carteira electrum, fiz um teste mandando... 
 Eles avisaram o custo de transferência antes? 
 Have link for whole video? 
 Hmm CIA is another story. But do you really think the Mossad itself would support those terrorists? Any data/info I am missing? 
 Elon Musk is the greatest Nostr foster and I can prove it. #garlic #nostr #x 🧄

 Alguém sabe o atalho para fazer o cérebro desler alguma coisa? 🫠 
 What is the real definition of a startup city? Good examples? 
 Apparently, France and Germany are forbidding and/or blocking pro-palestinian protests. That is wrong. I deeply condemn Hamas terrorism and recent actions, nevertheless freedom of speech is still an intrinsic right. 

People shall be free to protest for Israel just like for Palestinians (and remembering there is a difference between Palestine and Hamas).

If they are truly peaceful and reasonable demonstrations (that do not disturbe other people rights) its organizers and protestors should not be punished in any government level. 

Do not let anger and rage (even when justifiable) blind ourselves or be manipulated by warmongers. 

 Not denying all the other atrocities that Hamas have done. Not at all. But highly suspicious of the baby massacre. It wouldn't be much strategic (even for the cold hearted).But if they did so, why wouldn't show the images??

#War_is_deception (or in modern words, propaganda) 
 By the way even the Israel army did not affirm the story. Sounds like some click bait/yellow journalism desperate for some narrative steroids 
 In the end the only "guarantee" that you won't be censored in Blue Sky is their own word, right? There are no back up, relay mechanism or any sort of structure that could enforce the "uncensorability" that Nostr promises. Or do I miss something? 
 Eat out for 5 pounds. What times! 
 Nostr weirdly quiet about Israel war 🧐 
 Well, ultimately I hope for peace and mutual understanding. But realistically I think we are beyond this point and a war is inevitable.

There are no truly "good sides" but Hamas employ much dirtier tatics than Israel. And overall I hope they are able to defend themselves from such attacks.

But at government level (I am Brazilian) I just hope my government doesn't do anything stupid and doesn't waste money. Maintaining a strategic neutrality, in a more Jeffersonian way "Trade with all, alliances with none", unless some abrupt event force us out of it  
 Really unlikely. By several reasons (specially politics and the brutality of the attack) this is kind of a "Pearl Harbor" moment for Israel. Full force forward now (for the good or evil).

The Big question is the amount of support/resources the Arab League/or Iran and the US will provide. 
 The last war we’ll see between countries before endless peace will be the money printer war to ... 
 Well, Bitcoin have many good sides and potencial. But war is ultimately related with governance and human hearts (and Bitcoin won't fix this one).

Money printer are the steroids for war, not the root cause 😐

 Lol. But a caveat that I feel is that even with all the problems Ethereum still has much price potencial due institutional money 😐 
 Sincere question: are self host gpu's economically viable for running high demand AI? 
 Do you agree ? 👀 nostr:note1nm2kcnh6y97k9wcdzgt3zscq3ceqh6cu05lzn0u5jx426wes6w3q3kujeg 
 Post not found 😐
Relay problem? 
 Wait, now it is working. Weird!? How is it happening? 
 Indian government assassinated a Canadian on Canadian soil.

What should Trudeau do about it? 
 Was it a real case or hypothetical? 
 Need art project ideas! 
Please comment below with any ideas! 
 Comic book with AI helped drawings  
 Wondering if they could realistically enforce it. 
I mean certainly they can annoy and complicate things, but with TOR and Mullvad would it be enforceable? 
 JUST IN: Stablecoin issuer 'Paxos' accidentally overpaid $510,750 on a single #Bitcoin    t... 
 And likely he wasn't wrong. It would just be for escalating even more this endless conflict.  
 Vitalik Buterin's X(Twitter) sim-swaped. Fraudsters stole 690,000 US Dollars from users who connected wallets.

But NOSTR is unsafe 😐


 It seems a nice house. Any idea of the price? 
Event not found
 Going off all grids except Bitcoin? 🙃 
Event not found
 Mano, imagem tá bem desfocada. Reenvia nos comentários?