It's possible to build a better web, free from intrusive advertising and trackers, where privacy is respected by default, and users enjoy lightning-fast, high-quality services designed with their needs in mind.
Kagi is here to prove it.
#Kagi #AdFree #Search #Privacy #grownostr
We're real! Nostr address / nip-05 id incoming once our team looks through the relevant docs. Thanks to all who shared tips and resources on how to do this and get verified! 🚀
Hello, Nostr community!
We're Kagi, and we believe in a better web experience that is ad-free, tracking-free, and privacy-respecting. We've worked hard to deliver a high-quality, fast, and reliable search experience without compromising user privacy:
We also created Orion, a lightweight, WebKit based browser that is incredibly fast, with a built in ad blocker and zero telemetry, making it private by design:
We're fairly new to using Nostr, and any help on how best to engage this community will be greatly appreciated.
Here's the quickest answer:
There are a ton of features that Kagi has and other search engines (including DDG) don't, you can see the range of these in the features list on the sidebar of the above link, especially the many detailed ways you can customize your search results:
Kagi Search also actively downranks sites with lots of ads and trackers in the results and promotes sites with little or no advertising, shows if a site is paywalled from the results page before you click, allows you to filter out AI generated images in image search, and much more.
The best way to see the real difference is trying it for yourself - explore the settings and personalizations, see how far you can go with Kagi Search vs. others in the market, all without ads poisoning your experience.
Notes by Kagi | export