'There are no vaccines for mpox available in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the epicenter of a global health emergency declared last week, even though the country first asked for the shots two years ago and the manufacturers say they have supplies.'
'US biotech Moderna has put plans to build a vaccine plant in Kenya on hold, in a sign that moves to invest in pandemic preparedness in Africa have dropped down the agenda as sales of Covid-19 jabs decline.'
'É realmente espantoso assistir-se a este espetáculo e constatar que quase toda a gente, entre jornalistas e analistas, finge que não percebe o que se passa, mantendo face ao PR e ao seu cargo uma reserva solene de reverência da qual ele, como se vê, está longe de comungar e, logo, merecer. '
'Querem verdadeiramente combater o Chega? Saiam dos gabinetes, criem saber político instalado, deixem a população participar verdadeiramente, e filiem as pessoas como comandantes de uma mudança social'
'Quando digo com violência, não estou a falar de atirar tinta. Agrediram efetivamente os jovens. Estes nunca responderam às agressões. Curiosamente, não vi revolta e indignação face à violência que os automobilistas usaram. Nada disso. Foi tema de inúmeras piadas e mereceu toda a compreensão dos mesmos que diziam não aceitar violência seja em que circunstância for. Jovens em luta não merecem a condescendência destas pessoas, mas automobilistas raivosos e descontrolados claro que sim.'
"Defining that threat is not simple. The challenge is to do for infectious diseases what other researchers can now do for droughts or hurricanes: “attribute” events to climate change. “The very cutting edge right now is actually trying to start doing attribution … to say, for each degree of temperature change, how many more cases do we get?” says Erin Mordecai, an infectious disease ecologist at Stanford University."
'However, as Keller would often emphasize later on, this approach did not mean that McClintock was pursuing science in a distinctively feminine way, either. Instead, as Horning notes, Keller’s aim, stated in “Reflections on Gender and Science,” was the “reclamation, from within science, of science as a human instead of a masculine project.”
"In 2017, almost a hundred years after insulin was ‘defensively’ patented for the express purpose of preventing unethical profiteering, Alec Smith was found dead in his Minneapolis home at only 26 years old. He had been diagnosed with T1DM two years previously, but seemed to have adapted well to the demands of insulin treatment. What had gone wrong? Smith’s great misfortune was that he had been lucky enough to be born a citizen of Earth’s wealthiest nation."
'And so a lot of the people who try to romanticize what the Roman Empire was and putting themselves into the Roman Empire imagine themselves being, you know, the senator in the fine toga laying on the side, being hand-fed grapes. Whereas more likely than not, they would have died at the age of 28 because of an undiagnosed kidney stone while they were trying to plow their lands.'
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