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Notes by Annie Dustan | export


my personal deck is up for sale! 

#tarot #tarotcards #occult 

 Life flows with an ineffable magik, a symphony of moments interwoven like the delicate threads of a spider’s web glistening with morning dew. Every breath is a testament to the unseen forces that guide us, like whispers of the wind through ancient trees, their leaves dancing in a silent, timeless rhythm. 

The sun rises and sets in a blaze of colour, painting the sky with hues of gold and crimson, a daily reminder of the cycles that shape our existence. The stars, distant and mysterious, watch over us, their light travelling through the vastness of space to kiss our eyes with wonder and dreams. In the quiet of night, the moon bathes the world in silver, casting shadows that play like gentle ghosts of forgotten tales.

Rivers carve their paths through the earth, ever-persistent, reflecting the journey of our own lives. They remind us that even when faced with obstacles, we have the power to flow, to adapt, and to find new routes towards the vast, open sea of possibilities. The forest, with its ancient wisdom, breathes in harmony with the universe, its roots reaching deep into the soil, grounding us in the present, while its branches stretch towards the heavens, urging us to aspire and to hope.

Within the heart of every being lies a spark of this magic, a unique light that contributes to the grand mosaic of existence. Every encounter, every touch, every shared smile, is a ripple in the pond of our collective soul, echoing outwards, creating patterns of love and connection. The laughter of children, the warmth of a friend’s embrace, the quiet understanding between lovers—these are the moments where the magic is most palpable, where the flow of life becomes a dance, intricate and beautiful.

Embrace the flow, for it carries us through the ebbs and tides of our journey, teaching us to trust in the unseen currents. In this dance of existence, we are all both creators and creations, spinning our own threads into the vast tapestry of life, a tapestry that shimmers with the magik of dreams, of hopes, of love. 

Life’s magik is not just in the grandiose, but in the simple, the overlooked—the first bloom of spring, the gentle caress of a breeze, the persistent song of a bird greeting the dawn. It is in these small wonders that we find the essence of enchantment, and in them, we discover the profound beauty of being alive.

 I finally got my Tarot Deck back up for sale! 

 In this moment I am waiting. Sipping my coffee knowing that in just a few short minutes I will be facing the biggest opponent I ever created. Although I am feeling some amount of fear, and I can feel my heart in my chest, I know that I am not here to conquer or defeat - I am here to create my life through love, kindness and peace. Offering these things to them with no expectation, opens the gates for me to step into the world that I have been creating.

 Working for myself and not having to do the monotonous 9-5 means I can take some time off for the first cut of the year! I love spring!
#spring #sunshine #selfemployed #rebel #moments #nantakay 
 Confidence starts with keeping it real. You don't have to fake perfection. It's all about showing your true colours, even if it means letting yourself be a little vulnerable. That's where the magic happens, trust me.
Confidence grows when you take a leap, even if your knees are knocking. It's about tackling challenges head-on and not letting fear call the shots. Each time you take that leap, your confidence muscles get a workout, and they love it!
Confidence loves a good victory lap. Whether it's big or small, celebrate those wins! Give yourself a pat on the back and a "hell yeah!" Because every victory adds to your confidence stash and keeps you fuelled up for the next challenge.


#confidence #magic #tarot #coach #nantakay #challenge #vulnerability  
 Now that I seem to have got the hang of this I think it is time for a proper introduction!

I'm on a mission to spread love like confetti and help you live your most vibrant, fulfilling life.

Picture this: life as a grand adventure, and we're all the heroes of our own stories, navigating through twists, turns, and unexpected plot twists. But here's the secret sauce – I choose to approach every twist and turn with a heart full of unconditional and boundless love.

As your trusty life coach, I'm here to be your navigator, your cheerleader, and your gentle guide through the roller-coaster ride of existence. Whether you're feeling stuck in a rut, grappling with a tough decision, or simply craving a bit more sparkle in your day-to-day, I've got your back. 

Together, we'll unpack the baggage, dust off those dreams, and set sail towards a future brimming with joy and possibility.

But hey, life's not just about reaching the destination – it's about savouring every delicious moment along the way. So, expect plenty of laughter, aha moments, and maybe even a few happy tears as we journey together towards your brightest, most authentic self.

So, what do you say? Ready to sprinkle some love, laughter, and luminosity into your life? Let's dive in – the adventure awaits! 💫🌈

Other stuff about me!

I create Tarot and affirmation decks
I have re-membered my magik and I live into it in every moment.
I am on a mission to help others create the life that they want and help myself at the same time.
I have four beautiful children who I want to provide the best life for whilst teaching them how to do it for themselves!


#introductions #newby #coach #magik #create #life #love #tarot #lifecoach #experience #nantakay 
 Thank you! 
 Thank you for the welcome!  
 Affirmations: I radiate positivity and attract abundance 💕

#affirmations #design #buildingsuccess #energy #lawofattraction #coach
 Well that went well... I went to post a video and it didn't upload 🤣🤣 I know I can.. but how??? Now, I could go through all the videos or ask, because I know someone here will know! #efficientlylazy 


#newby #introductions #help #videos 
 Thank you! Nice to meet you 🤝 😊  
 iris and primal 
 More pics of my pooch then? 🤣❤️👋 
 Is that you?!?

I was looking at nostr build earlier (you did it again).

I'm happy to pay for it when I have 69000 sats 😁 I'm on a mission to create £1million without using any of my personal funds! So till then I will create more and more interesting posts! 

 And, I am on! https://stacker.news/anniedustan It was a bit of a pain as it created me a new npub rather than my extension working as it should, but I think I figured out how to get around that. 
 and I put a pic on and then it added the pic from my link anyway😂  
 35lb down since December! 111lb in total! 

(Pictures taken October '23 and March '24)


#weightloss #transformation #mybodyisatemple #vegan #plantbased #goagainstthegrain #lovelife #dontgiveup  #rebel 
 "https://m.primal.net/HuDP.jpg You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step"

Words I need to remember today! 
 thank you for the zap! unfortunately I can't receive it through primal as I am in the UK 🤣🤣  
 I lie 🤣🤣 I just need to check iris rather than primal ... I will get the hang of this!  
 kundalini and the ben ben 💕 you just took me to the space where I re-membered my magik! 
 Annie had been taught one thing growing up that had become a near-universal truth in her life: the danger of speaking up. Whether it was confronting her parents on their unfairness, or having the courage to stand up to peers, she had learned from a young age that the wise thing to do was to stay quiet. To be insignificant. 

But when she had left home and entered the real world, she found that insignificance was no shield for the struggles she was facing. Her low self-esteem, her lack of confidence and her fear of self-expression felt like an ever-encroaching burden, and she was starting to despair of ever finding her place in life.

And then one day, something remarkable happened. Annie stumbled upon magik. It was something powerful and transformative - inner magik. The spark of self-belief, of courage and of strength that resided deep within her soul. 

Slowly but surely, Annie started to rise from the ashes of her past, taking responsibility for her own actions and finally finding her voice. No longer afraid of being seen, she stepped out into the world and started to make a difference.

She had gone from being insignificant to becoming a beacon of hope, a living testimony that there was something special inside each and every person, something worthy of being seen. 

Annie had found her own significance. And that, as they say, was nothing short of magikal.

#magik #significance #transform #change #tarot #riseup 
 OK guys... you were soooo helpful last night! Now I need your help again!  Alby is asking for an invite code for me to sign up? Has anyone got one OR have a better alternative for me to use so I can get on board with zapping! 


#introduction #newby #help #alby #invitecode #zap 
 I have applied for an account and in the meantime I have setup #walletofsatoshi😁 
 yay! my first zap! I'm excited! #ivebeenzapped Thank you!

 Hey 👋 I've checked and I haven't had a dm 🙃 I will check later on again though when I have finished work! Thank you 🙏 
 And I want to thank you for the zap! Thank you so much for your help getting it sorted :) 
 new to #Notstr and trying to figure it out! If anyone has any tips then feel free to share them... pretty please 😁 all I know so far is that if I am a little bit #weird I may fit in and that won't be hard! 😂
 aaah thank you! I will do that on a post later on! 
 you are a gem! Thank you! 
 Now I need to figure out how to do that😂 #ajobfortomorrow 
 Honesty time - I don't know who dan is?? I'm not into bitcoin and as for jesus... well😂😂😂😂 
 I know i know🙈 I only started on here yesterday and didn't even know what a zap was till last night😂 I am setting it up today! Thank you for trying though! 
 Phew! I did a bit of research on "dan" lol. 

I will deffo be searching the hashtags though and see who is out there! 
 were you inside my brain whilst I was typing away just then asking for help with this?😂 
 To be fair, that was a daft thing for me to ask! As we are all connected, we are in fact in each others minds all of the time!
Thank you for the advice! I kinda like that actually! I'm not one to post anything that I deem to be dangerous or illegal - maybe controversial though!
 Play away! 
 ha ha! Newby here! Gotta get away from FB sometime and I hadn't heard of Nostr until a few days ago! 
 I used to do this! I would be listening to what a person had to say and already forming a reply in my head! When they would question whether I was listening I would get offended!
It took a long time for me to understand that you listen by hearing the words, feeling the atmosphere, seeing their body language, and not thinking about a reply until they had said all they needed to say! 
 I read tarot too although reading is more of a hobby 😃 my real passion with tarot is designing decks! 

I am more than happy to be your beta tester! 