P.S. if you want to realize any reality in a downturn of any of those bugs mentioned, you have to plant a lot of the plants you think will keep those bugs away. 1 plant here and there wont do anything.
You have to put money into knowing where (how deep) and if there is water to be had first and foremost. I went down 450 feet and did not hit water. Back filled the drilled hole and paid the 5K for nothing.
Human beings are the ultimate manifestation of proof of work. We grow and harvest food or hunt it, eat that food and then express it in thought, feelings and physical manifestations like ₿itcoin. Way to go humanity!!! We win every time 🌹
Oh man. My girlfriend at the time cheated on me with the lead singer. I really loved her too. Seriously. I was in my 20’s and they just came on the scene with this song. I can never forget that event because you know, they got pretty big for awhile there and keep showing back up.
A joint one only because your death is between you and your higher self. I say every death is a suicide because you (we) are the ones who choose what our thoughts, feelings and emotion are and those equate to your vibration and that equates to what you attract. So if you die of cancer, or get run over by a truck, or drown, or get shot in the post office while standing in line to pay for a roll of stamps, its your creation and therefore your suicide.
Enjoy the contrast. It serves you well. Without knowing what you do not want, you would never know what you do want. Once you have been shown what it its that you do want, its then up to you to focus al your positive energy there. That's why the better it gets, the better it gets.
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