Dealt with similar when trying to fund a refugee’s schooling in Kenya that my girlfriend was working with. Chase blocked the wire, USB blocked the wire, even Western Union blocked it. Finally wired to her Brazilian account then to Kenya from her account and with the Real/Shillong conversion each $1200 transfer was ~$10%.
But this did slow and disrupt the terrorism of a Somali orphan attending a girls’ school off the refugee camp.
I spoke with the principal about bitcoin at that time. They were interested but not ready. Curious how that would go now 4 years later.
I realize I’m showing my age here but for people that have only texted with phones… the sound comes out of the other side. I know, I know “Shut up, Boomer.”
In 2020, your book filled in so many blanks, even though at that time I didn’t buy the #BTC solution at that time. But the deflationary impact of tech was such a key piece of the puzzle that let other pieces fill into my broader view.
But then I realize you must feel humbled knowing you were decades behind Wimpy in understanding all of this.
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