Great to see this feature in a mainstream phone OS!
Police hates this trick, as their default strategy is:
>>> take phone from suspect
>>> put it on a charger in a faraday cage
>>> wait for security updates to come out
>>> break open the suspects phone because it does not have the latest security updates
1 german goberment. The "ampel coalition" just imploded lol
Scholz sagte weiter: " Wer in eine Regierung eintritt, der muss seriös und verantwortungsvoll handeln. Der darf sich nicht in die Büsche schlagen, wenn es schwierig wird. Darum aber geht es Christian Lindner gerade nicht. Ihm geht es um die eigene Klientel. Ihm geht es um das kurzfristige Überleben der eigenen Partei."
Der Bundeskanzler zeigte sich nicht bereit, "unsere Unterstützung für die Ukraine und Investitionen in unsere Verteidigung zulasten des sozialen Zusammenhalts zu finanzieren, zulasten von Rente, Gesundheit oder Pflege". Er habe daher vorgeschlagen, auf Basis von Artikel 115 des Grundgesetzes die Schuldenbremse wegen einer außergewöhnlichen Notsituation auszusetzen.
Hypothesis: If swiss law is broken and Europol comes knocking on ProtonVPN's door it is much more convenient this way.
"Aggregate statistics of legal orders that we [Proton] have received can be found below:
Number of legal orders: 6,378
Contested orders: 407
Orders complied with: 5,971
Number of legal orders: 6,995
Contested orders: 1,038
Orders complied with: 5,957
Number of legal orders: 6,243
Contested orders: 1,323
Orders complied with: 4,920
Number of legal orders: 3,767
Contested orders: 750
Orders complied with: 3,017
Number of legal orders: 1,594
Contested orders: 110
Orders complied with: 1,484
Number of legal orders: 340
Contested orders: 4
Orders complied with: 336
Number of legal orders: 26
Contested orders: 3
Orders complied with: 23"
Topical fluoride works. Ingestion is not necessary.
If you chose to use fluoride in your caries prevention toolkit, you could pick up fluoridated tooth paste.
A political party whose entire purpose is just to just stay out of your business needs interference in your business to stay relevant.
“an organization that commits to helping society manage a problem also commits itself to the preservation of that same problem, as its institutional existence hinges on society’s continued need for its management” - Shirky Principle
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