Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Joseba Martos 🏴‍☠️⚡ | export

 Eu não posso aceitar certas coisas que eu não entendo
O comércio das armas de guerra da morte vivendo
Eu queria falar de alegria
Ao invés de tristeza mas não sou capaz
Eu queria ser civilizado como os animais
 Finishing a #React hook which creates and returns #Bitcoin BIP32 wallets. How many wallets do you need? 😜 
 Trasnocha cerca un grillo cantor pareciendo querer musicalizar mis noches de programación. 
 Pasándomelo bomba programando bots y #MiniApps de #Telegram con #React y #BitcoinJS. Si queréis incursionar en la programación de Bitcoin, que no os falte vuestra copia de #MasteringBitcoin escrito por Andreas #Antonopoulos. Nunca pensé que un libro técnico sobre #Bitcoin fuese a ser tan ameno. ¿O será por #Bitcoin que me resulta tan agradable? https://image.nostr.build/f699dc1d8427240ee40924c92c37b16f1d4566aa65717435cbf5544112d43b31.jpg 
 Números en #Bitcoin. 

1 BTC = 1000 mBTC
0.5 BTC = 500 mBTC
0.01 BTC = 10 mBTC

1 BTC = 100,000,... 
 1 mBTC = 1 milibit 
 Gabon ama, bi hitz bakarrik
berri on bat zuri emateko;
bukatzen da gure gau luzea
laister nauzu anaien ondoan,
etxe zaharrera berriro itzuliz
lehengo kaletan borrokatzeko!

Ongi etorri, Julian! ❤️ ✊
 Una clave privada WIF en #Bitcoin es básicamente una clave privada convertida a base58, y es un ... 
 ¡Bonita casualidad! Esta misma semana he exportado a WIF algunas claves derivadas con #NIP32. He estado desarrollando contra un sistema de login basado en mensajes firmados, que por lo visto es parecido a cómo está hecho aquí en Nostr. Tengo que investigar un poco más... 
 Situación en mi nodo de Lightning ⚡️ 🤭

➡️Limbo Balance: Fondos que están en proceso... 
 ¡Qué interesante! ¿El escrow está relacionado con esto o es algo sólo de Lightning? Me  recuerda mucho al funcionamiento de Peach Bitcoin: https://peachbitcoin.com 
 🤓 Leyendo atentamente la web de @miprimerbitcoin. Genial el diseño del modelo educativo internacional como si fuesen nodos de #Bitcoin. 🎓 Y #BitcoinDiploma sencillamente impresionante, brutal. 📚 Y además CC-BY-SA.  💛https://github.com/MyFirstBitcoin/Bitcoin-Diploma
🔎 Sigo mirándoos de cerca 😜 
 🔥 Steve Yun (TON Foundation) & John Hyman (Telegram) present a fascinating plan for 500M users to adopt #Blockchain #Crypto #Bitcoin #Toncoin #TON #Web3 in 5 years:
1️⃣ Deploy DApps on @ton_blockchain
2️⃣ Use Mini Apps for #DApp interaction
3️⃣ Manage ID and assets with @wallet_tg
 Delve into the evolution of #Telegram's gaming: From #Gaming Platform to the innovative Mini Apps. Which path will you choose for your next project? Explore the differences and make an informed decision.


#Development #Telegram #HTML5 #Bot #Web #App

 Nire lehenengo argitalpena habla.news-en 💜 💛
Mi primera publicación en habla.news 💜 💛
Ma première publication sur habla.news 💜 💛
My first post in habla.news 💜 💛 
 ¡Qué bueno ver iniciativas innovadoras en Colombia! Yo viví 5 años en Bogotá y tuve la suerte de también visitar Medellín. A ver si un día vuelvo y os visito. ¡Mucho ánimo! 
 Having fun today crafting a #Telegram game bot with #Grammy, all running on #Deno! Next steps? Integrating it with #TON for #GameFi using #NFTs, #Jettons, #Toncoin, and #Bitcoin.
#Blockchain #Crypto #Web3 
 Watching this video about #Telegram Web Apps or #TWA. https://youtube.com/watch?v=amvZy9hzAic
#Bitcoin #Blockchain #Crypto #Toncoin 
 Have you checked out #Bitfeed? 🚀 It lets you monitor the #Bitcoin #mempool and block creation in real-time. Truly fantastic! 📊 Access highly detailed info easily and visually. Also for your node. Check it out: https://bitfeed.live/ #Blockchain 
 By setting up my own #Bitcoin node, I contribute to the network's decentralization & resilience, while securing my financial sovereignty and boosting personal privacy & security. 🌐💪 #Blockchain #Crypto #GNU #Linux #Umbrel 🔐💰
 Una vez que ya estudiaste la teoría es tiempo de llevarlo a la práctica. 

Sí, ejecutando un n... 
 Learning about #Nostr and #Zap I found #NIP 46 and 47 very interesting.
#Bitcoin #Lightning #LightningNetwork #NostrConnect #WalletConnect #Satoshi 
 One of my favorite features of #Web3 and #Blockchain is that it completely redefines labor relations through #DAO. We are building more democratic and decentralized organizations.
 In January 2022, up to three #Bitcoin blocks were validated on solo.ckpool.org using low-power mining nodes, debunking the belief that powerful equipment is needed to solve Bitcoin blocks. This article explains why and also provides a master class on #cryptocurrency #mining in a simple and concise manner.
 While setting up my #Bitcoin #NerdMiner via browser in #Linux I suffered this error: `Error: Failed to execute 'open' on 'SerialPort': Failed to open serial port.`

I solved it with: `sudo setfacl -m u:USERNAME:rw /dev/ttyACM1`

Source: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solved-flashing-failing-immediately-on-linux/567332

 ¡Buenas días BlueMoon y toda la comunidad #Bitcoin! ¿Listos para brillar como un ⚡ #Lightning? 
 Exciting news! 🎉 Notcoin has already surpassed the 20 million user mark in 26 days! 🚀👏
#Notcoin #TON #Telegram #Blockchain #Crypto 
 I've spent the last few weeks researching the TON ecosystem (Telegram's Blockchain) and today I came across this post that seems like a pretty good compilation to get started with these technologies. I started out by toying with Telegram's Wallet bot and ended up looking at how TON Wallet would be implemented. I've learned a lot from the side missions of the Notcoin clicker, which introduce you to a bunch of TON-based solutions. I believe this blockchain is here to stay and will generate a lot of buzz, it might even be the first to become massively popular due to the popularity of the messaging app. I'm very excited and I think I'll soon start deploying some smart contracts and DApps on the TON network.
#Blockchain #TON #Toncoin #TonWallet #Telegram #DApps #SmartContracts #Web3 #Crypto 
 You're right! 🚀 I'm quite excited about #TON, and I believe the user base of #Telegram could really make a difference in this #blockchain. 😊 TON is truly thrilling, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some good luck. 🍀 Thanks for your advice! I really appreciate your support. By the way, I'm still exploring #Bitcoin and #Lightning, especially now with #Nostr and the #Zaps. 🔍⚡️ It's always great to stay on top of all these innovations. Let's catch up soon! 
 Me interesa todo lo que tenga que ver con #Bitcoin. 👌🏼 
 Ultimamente en el mundo #Bitcoin estoy muy atento a #Nostr y a #Lightning. Lo veo superprometedor tanto para la gestión de identidad en línea como para la monetización del contenido. 
 When a friend dies, it hurts, but when that friend is very beloved in the village, it hurts even more. It's as if the village has been left orphaned. Josu Unanue worked hard for HIV awareness, for LGBTQ+ rights, and for the well-being of our village. Josu, I say to you the same thing another friend told us when he left: Eskerrik asko lagune izatiegaitxik. ❤️ Che bel fior! 🌹✊ 
 "Badira egun bat borrokatzen dutenak eta onak dira. Badira urte askoan borrokatzen dutenak eta hobeak dira. Baina badira bizitza osoan borrokatzen dutenak: hauek dira ezinbestekoak."

Heriok ostabe alkartu arte itsoso ona okin, lagune. Josu beti bidxotzien. ❤️
