Something very satisfying about the #NorthStarFigs #Miniatures. I boil it down to a bit of elegant simplicity. #Minis are beautiful, the figures within each range feel all belong together, but manage to be individual and carry the “right” amount of detail so they are still lovely to explore.
Think I’ll paint these up, look at an opposing 20-ish Dwarf force, and get a wee refresher/intro game in with someone.
#Wargames #Wargaming #Hobby #Miniature #MiniatureWargames #Tabletop #TabletopGames
@d299aefd ah thanks pal. These were the first I’d messed with the faces beyond flesh contrast then shade. I’ve dabbed a bit of purple under the eyes to make them look more dreg-like. I was pretty happy with the effects!
Notes by Rollleaf Drumlinhat | export