Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by wallby | export

 I've heard people say that "sex isn't like what you see in porn ", which makes me think, what kind of sex are they having?

So, what kind of sex are YOU having?? 
 Finished my hardest video yet. 
Out next week! 
 Oh man, this video is so hard.  
 Make art illegal 
 Smelling like shit is not required to do mma 
 Ugh Gm y’all
Feel off
Take it easy y’all
And don’t forget to boost(repost) boosts 
 You got this shit 
 I like helping people find answers to their problems. Is there a job for this? 
 Mama Mia them into submission. 

 should I give marty shit on RHR tomorrow since his TFTC account still has a blue check? 
 You should do what an influencer wouldn't


Let's play a game called find your super hero name!

First name: Name of the street you grew... 
 If you can't control your own body what can you control? 
 ok, we have about 7 days to build this to capture next round

on backend we need 

postimages .or... 
 I haven't yet learned this level of coding!!! I'm sorry to fail 
 Saif also thinks the American revolution was about taxes lol

If it were about taxes the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, and the constitution would have talked about it. 

What they did/ do mention is freedom and GOD given human rights.  
 Yeah but Saif also thinks that there was an American Civil War and he thinks the American revolution was about taxes. I think he doesn't yet know how to think. He knows how to regurgitate information.  
 But global warming says Florida will be under water by the year 2012 
 "Idk what men want"...

 Climbing on 3 hours of sleep. That’s somewhere between commitment and utter negligence.

😭 n... 
 Whenever civilians are low on sleep they tell you they're low on sleep.  
 It doesn't need to be realistic

In order to be real

*free bird solo* 
 This is rusty
How did he not get banned lmfao nostr:note1zfrrzfrpaywue2u8ucekz3v8y5mvgrupef3dfjgj... 
 Rusty is good. Ideally it'll take 3 or more drops 🙂

*free bird guitar solo* 
 When I come here is like entering a party for your best mate, where all the people you meet are v... 
 Why vamps?? 
 Yes. nostr:note1u67t676ar9px3c6vwu6lt4yvc9tysgxc84fw2hf0c7wykn5k03gqjmjvpz 

 Only 30,683 blocks until the next #bitcoin halving ⏰ 
 There's a new block every ten minutes...🧠


300,683 minutes until... it happens??????  

208 days?

It works because it's math, not politics  
 Only a failure abandons his PRINCIPLE AND PRIDE!!!!!!! 
 You may have invaded my mind and my body... but there's one thing a sayain always keeps...

 Always dbz 
 I’m a #shrimp

Actually idk if i’m even a shrimp. But i’m a fucking #PLEB 
 Mhm... what that shrimp dicc do though???? 
 I agree suffering is how you change yourself. But boomers don't suffer, they're the weakest I've ever seen.  
 The first function of money is sharing.  

I work, I store my energy, and then I share it with ot... 
 Haven't you seen cartoons of rich people!!??

Money is to collect and store so you can swim in piles of gold coins.. 
 It is. 

How are you? 
 That's good. I hope you have a meaningful day. 

I'm physically sore, mentally I think I'm chill/zen at the moment. Thanks for asking.  
 Maybe. Maybe it's working perfectly
 We crazy. 

Some of us do drugs that destroy our own brains. 

Some of us light stuff on fire. 

Try us. Try humanity. The thing about being a mortal made from the earth is we got nothing to lose. The future generations won't remember my name and taxes sucks so fuck it. Let's go. Most things are worth dying for.  
 What cucks. In second grade my teacher told me "no one likes a taddle tail ". All these narks obeying boomers are losers.  
 I'm a bear because I want more affordable corn 
 fuck twitter, it's a straight dystopia and getting worse 
 My bruddha #DaddyDell nostr:npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gxyou must leave! 

A clean body does not clean a lake of poop by jumping into it.  
 Stay mumble
Stack cats 
 Good songs without sinful lyrics 
 Have you done shrooms?
Why or why not?

Favorite thing to do on shrooms?

 Darkness sounds intense 
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Event not found
 Self loathing is always high