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 Cohen: How much more evidence do we need… This is just one more example of why we should never vote to allow him to get his hands on classified information in the future. He shouldn't be anywhere near the oval office ever.

 An important point from Denver Riggleman when you hear from anyone screaming about laptops: Consider the sources

 You can hear laughter after Gaetz finished his statement on the motion to vacate

 Gaetz: I rise to give notice of my intent to raise a question of the privileges of the house. Declaring the office of Speaker of the House to be vacant…

 Jessica: This is what the trump organization said it was worth, in 2020 they self reported that it was worth $27 million. And now he is going around screaming that they are framing him.. then your own company framed you.

 Tapper: Kelly describes Trump as “a person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as P.O.W.S are all, ‘suckers’ there is nothing in it for them

 Trump: This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing. He’s interfering with an election

 Gaetz: It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden feeble while he continues to take speaker Mccarthy's lunch money in every negotiation.

 Reporter: Are you going to be able to trust McCarthy when the next deal comes around?

Biden: We just made one about Ukraine. So we’ll find out..

 Buttigieg: This is a part of a lifelong pattern with the former president that I would argue was first displayed when he faked a disability in order to avoid having to go to Vietnam and allowed, I assume, some working class person to go in his place.

 McCarthy: Gaetz is more interested in securing TV interviews than doing something. He wanted to push us into a shutdown… only because he wants to take this motion. Bring it on, let's get over with it

 Raskin: All of it, of course, goes back to Donald Trump's own derangement. He wanted to shut down the government, literally, because he wanted to shut down his own prosecutions….

 Schumer: We will have avoided a shutdown… But this is a bridge C.R., and leader McConnell and I have agreed to continue fighting for more economic and security aid for Ukraine.

 Clark: Speaker McCarthy admitted defeat. He asked Democrats to put out the fire that he and his party started.

 Update: Michael Cohen has been notified that his deposition of Trump will now take place on Sunday, October 8th because Trump whined about conflict with NY AG case.

 Jeanine: This is an impeachment inquiry. You don’t blow the wad or the witness at the inquiry

 Cavuto: For the better part of six hours, I have been following these hearings, talk an hour off to do my fox business show earlier today. I don't know what was achieved… None or the witnesses provided any proof for impeachment

 Moskowitz: As a former director of emergency management, I know a disaster when I see one

 An excellent flow chart of the caving of Kevin McCarthy presented by Maxwell Frost

 Garcia: I'm just quoting our chairman. I have been vocal that I think what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics. Now, Mr. Chairman, I completely agree that the kushners crossed the line of ethics and I want to know what we are going to do about it

 Stansbury: We see the long arm (the little hand) of Donald Trump whose fingerprints are all over this sham impeachment

 Raskin: If the Republicans had a smoking gun or even a dripping water pistol, they would be presenting it today but they've got nothing on Joe Biden.

 Raskin: You think I’m being harsh, here’s what some Republicans have had to say…

 “Show of hands, who do you think won the debate?” 

“Who do you think this was a bad night for?”


 DeSantis: My wife and I met three people who had been mugged in CA 

Newsom: He may want to familiarize himself with Jacksonville and Miami

 Newsom: If that was the best moment for Pence, it was not a great night for Republicans. I mean, objectively, what are we going to be talking about in 72 hours? I'm still getting over the Pence comment about the sex joke,

 Newsom: We are more energy independent today under Biden. Your audience doesn’t know that, More domestic oil production than any time in history. That’s a fact.

 Newsom: Objectively Biden was a winner tonight. No doubt about it. They identified problems and Biden has not only identified solutions, he’s gotten bipartisan deals to begin the process of implementing them.

 Perino: Which one of you on stage tonight should be voted off the island?

 Perino: Abortion was on the ballot in six states in 2022. Republicans lost all of them

DeSantis: 😬

 “We also know from our reporting that a union source is telling us that they do not consider Trump’s visit a show of solidarity with a union because that is not a union shop. However, we know that President Biden was invited directly by the union.”

 Molly: The whole narrative has been Biden is too old. People are being asked in polls, do you find Biden old? Trump is a man who was, during his presidency, bragging about passing a cognitive test

 Reporter: What is you response to Republicans opening an impeachment inquiry into you?

Biden: *smiles* Lots of luck

 Pence: Trump actually blamed losses in the midterm elections on us overturning Roe V. Wade. Candidates who were focused on the past, and many candidates he endorsed were relitigating the last election did not fare well.

 Trump on Proud Boys Leader: I don’t know him. I’ve never met him. I’ve never heard of him until I started reading— I’d certainly look at pardoning him

 Psaki: I want to ask about Kamala Harris being on the ticket as the vice president…. 

Raskin: I feel excellent about it, there should be no confusion about it. I think someone was trying to get me to pick a fight with my friend, Nancy Pelosi, which I'm not going to do.

 Welker: When you go to bed at night, do you worry about going to jail?

Trump: I don’t even think about it. I’m built a little differently. I’ve had people come up to me and say “Sir, how do you it?”

 Goldman: One of Trump’s impeachments was because he tried to extort the President of Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden. The President of Ukraine refused. Unfortunately, House Republicans don’t have the spine President Zelenskyy has…

 Trump: This is like a military invasion.. I'm calling on congressional Republicans to ban Joe Biden from using a single tax dollar to release a resettled illegal aliens into the United States starting on the government funding deadlinec
