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Notes by lovelymiss | export

 [scribbles note: Be nice to LMA this year] 
 A lot of those poison plants are beautiful & some are only poison if you go super hard with them.  I take belladonna to sleep - I just don’t take so much to die. 
 Idk what people are even talking about on here, let alone Tik Tok which is probably a bunch of te... 
 one time some of them were talking about how old they were & the oldest was 16.  
I do not belong in that group lol. 
 this was actually a good episode. 
2 teams - one young & one old. 
Old lady tapped out at day 3
Young dude was a literal piece of shit who just slept all the time & tapped out on day 5 cuz his vagina hurt or something idk. 

Young girl/old guy team up. 
She’s like “Fuggin Father Time 😩”
He’s like “Fuggin entitled millennia 🙄”

Ended up kicking ass & were besties 4 ever.  


 I can’t for life of me figure out why the jews would want Zion Don dead, but it’s quite appar... 
 because he lights a fire under White people.  
In spite of him doing everything he can for them, they hate him because he made White people not hate themselves. 
 Sorry about your dad.
They allow "Human Composting" here. I'm just gonna get my friend to dig a h... 
 idk what I want done when I die.  
Hopefully someone keeps my skull & puts it on a mantle. 
 The Irish have more balls, more pride, than any other European nation or people.  
Fuckin based af Irish.  

In this house the Irish are heroes.  They remove niggers is what they do.

 Buying cheap ass Chinese cable ties is a mistake one only makes once.  
The rage in my soul is like nothing else.

 When I become queen everyone with a spinster account is getting shot.  
McFuckin had it with Emma. 
 Did Patriot Candle from blab get arrested by the FBI today?  
Anyone else hear about that? 
 Fug… I can NOT do directions for shid. 
I hate putting stuff together because I’m 90% sure I’m retarded.  
I looked at this forever before I noticed the little breaks.  😭😭

Hell is doin any kind of assembly.

 Have heard from a couple frens lately about getting visits from the FBI over blab posts.  

Maybe the honey pot theory was true… either way - stay safe, frens. 
 jewesses have a mistaken belief, after years of being pushed as the beauty standard by their trib... 
 Like most everything they do - it’s fuggin weird. 
 This is fuggin hilarious.
They tried the Shapiro.  They tried the kvetching.  Now they bring out the final boss.  

old lady jew tiddies 

 Goin through stuff & finding old craft projects I never finished. 

Mite fug around & make a Huginn and Muninn jawbone shiv idk.

 Oh man. The tribe of Eric Dondero won
 ahhh Eric Dondero.  The man who invented the alt right in a nightclub in 1983. 
 What if Torbas right and Gab improved with the exodus .  
 it didn’t.  
There’s very little interaction unless you’re like “LETS GO BRANDON! Demonrats are the real racists” & then other people put cop light emojis on your stuff. 
 Interestingly, a Grooble search for "rabbi shmuley candace owens nigger" is... unhelpful.
"rabbi ... 
 He said it on some podcast- and after the podcast he made them delete it.
But people watching heard. 
 They were like “I buy you nice thing you just give me address” & I was like “naw, nigga… I’m not really into cow poop stuff.“ 
 Workout complete
My legs feel like spaghetti :wiggle: 
 Trying to make it to the sink for some water after not skipping leg day.

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 Thats what swung me into TJD territory.  
You can only see so many fellow White Twitter screenshots before you slap on the SS uniform. 
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 hahaha.   For reals. 
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 I think it’s good to make your kids work.  Your entire purpose is to make sure they can take care of themselves, so they should strive & work & be self sufficient.  You want them to not only live, but flourish after youre gone from this earth.
That said- your purpose is to also not be a dick.   The world is cruel as is, your children should know that in that cruelty, there is always kindness at home.   There is someone there to pick them up when they fall - that never stops.   From their first steps as babies to their first steps of having their own. 

If you do both, your kids will be alright. 
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 They are so mean! 
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 I have most that shid already. 
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 RIP based cowboy. 
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 Aw hell yeah!
I’m the snuggle bear (goddamned adorable) 
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 lmao.  I think so.   I’ve never even thought of it that way. 
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 I saw one yesterday lol.   Theyre everywhere around here. 
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 That is a good way to go about it.   Have you ever showed her the things they say about the goyims? 
For me - I never even thought about the jews or hated them until I saw how much that was opposite on their end. 
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 This is me right now.  😫

I didn’t put the top thingies on when I put the screws in & now I can’t get them out so I just duct taped the fuggers on.

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 I got a thingie with 6” 8” & 12” & all of them are pieces of shit 
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 That person has adult kids who don’t talk to them 
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 I keep muting & deleting but it just comes back. 
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 Idk if I could - or at least grow it & not have to regrow it every year.   It’s too cold here.