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 #foodforthought from @lessig @TEDTalks #Berlin about threat to #democracy

Relevant, irrespective of who will be the next @POTUS 

 https://youtu.be/OjuYFNR1aWo?si=XPuInmtkR_UZbqCy via @YouTube 
 ".. @Finansdep  anslår nå at det ekstra overskuddet var på 992 mrd kr i 2022 og 278 i fjor"

"Nylig foreslo regjeringen i statsbudsj å øke Norges støtte til #Ukraina t minst 135 mrd ..fordeles min 15 mrd kr per år fram til 2030"

@Nettavisen @Aftenposten 
 "Cartwright, #pensjon -spesialisten for ytelsesbaserte og hybride ordninger, kunngjorde i dag en banebrytende [3%] #bitcoin allokering i investeringsporteføljen til en britisk pensjonsordning"


 My wish list:

Having Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer interview  @GaryMarcus - or the other way around - about peternalism and large language models


Have a look at his comments about @harari_yuval and #AI to Emeran Mayer, MD :

 ATTENTION: The Human Rights Foundation's CBDC Tracker is in 5th place to win an Anthem Community Voice Award! 👏 

(Norway: cbdctracker.hrf.org/currency/norway)

@HRF  Rally the troops to celebrate now!: celebrate.anthemawards.com/PublicVoting#/… #AnthemAwards 
 .@doctorow pluralistic_at_mamot.fr@mostr.pub :

"What the f** happened to the old, good internet?

The reality is that in the USA, in the UK, in the EU, in Australia, in Canada, in Japan, in South Korea, even in China, we are seeing more antitrust action over the past four years than over the preceding forty years.

Remember, competition law is actually pretty robust. The problem isn’t the law, it’s the enforcement priorities"

 ".. Usually, it takes an economic downturn or a financial panic to purge excess leverage from financial markets. If central banks achieve a soft landing, markets will have seen neither even as they are further buoyed by rate cuts, which will prompt further leveraging.

"..they should raise the bar on intervening whenever it gets into trouble. 

As with forest fires, small conflagrations can prevent a larger one"

https://www.ft.com/content/9dd2d4cd-a130-406c-82e4-4edfc1883b41 via @ada19449 
 "..the [American] dream concept was first popularised back in 1931, it was not defined primarily in economic terms,

.. Respect, inclusion, freedom and democracy mattered too"

@FT @gilliantett #foodforthought
 "Nearly half of workers using #AI say they have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains their employers expect.

Over 3 in 4 say AI tools have decreased their productivity and added to their workload in at least one way" 
